Anon asserts dominance

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Fake: anon has a job

Gay: anon showed his ass to other men

cheap thrills

The thing that’s great about living in a big city is that you will never see these people again and they have most likely seen way worse and didn’t care either

To this in a small town however and you’ll forever be known as the naked butt bridge farter

A man’s naked and shitted ass is probably the best thing the average british sees in his daily life

i mean who doesnโ€™t do this on a regular basis?

This is not a shit post, its a fart post.

The ibs community gets it

*Oh, I’m an alien, I’m a legal alien*

*I’m an Indian in New York*

Why that bloke showing ‘is bollocks to the Thames?

Fake: Anon had diarrhoea

Gay: Anon got his bussy out on London Bridge hoping someone would fill it

Anon could have at least tried to make this somewhat believable. Who couldn’t torture this information out of someone who actually lived through this.

Power move.

I mean, from the other peoples point of view, would it really be better to see someone having an explosive diarrhea over the side of the bridge as opposed to “just” farting?

Well thatโ€™s a lot better than shitting vomit in front of everyone.

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