anon found a hack

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Fake: anon has a job

Gay: anon got a “drink” with a “friend”

Fake :- anon got friends

Gay :- he later got the promotion but by sucking boss’s dick


Fake: positive
Gay: positive

Fake: Anon has a friend

Gay: Anon works at Mojang

I’ve been working a temp security night job for like 3 months, apart from the first three days nothing has happened. Nobody calls me, there’s nothing to do, company doesn’t check so I just sleep for 8 hours every day on a mattress I found in the office. Company called me on my day off said I was doing good work lmao.

The story is funny so I don’t care whether it’s real or nah

fay and Gake analysis please

Hahaha, I have a similar story! I was working as a waiter in a hotel and just slept for the whole workday. I came back to eat and went home. It was the easiest money I’ve ever made. 😂

Fake: anon has a friend

Gay: anon came out of the closet after 10 hours

I don’t use that site cab someone explain the .png thing? Every anon uses it

Anon maxxed out his luck stats.

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