Anon wants to watch show called the Girls because he’s straight???

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Its called “the boys” for a reason

no no wait, he has a point

I’ve seen a mf crawling into another man’s dick in that show and yet they don’t show tits

edit: before someone comes saying that it’s actually a metacritic on the state of the squirrel population in middle east or some shit like that, I would like to point out that I had to watch Hughie fart on a cake for 2 minutes straight

the writer’s barely disguised fetish

It’s one of the jokes of the show, and it’s always gonna leave you with the expression wtf em I watching.

Example 1: spin-off show with the sup college, has a girl who can shrink her body and she shrank herself then jacks off a guy like a fucking tree hugger who tied herself into a tree.

Fake: Erin Moriarty’s terrible plastic surgery is enough to tick this

Gay: anon watched (and jorked it to) male butts, dicks, and asshole

We see starlights whole bare ass in the last season

They’re literally in the first episode of season 1


Well hero gasm had a lot of boobies

They didn’t wanna spring the extra money for her to show her tit’s.

Smart on her part. A lot of female actresses put a huge charge on showing them nude.

Fake: Anon knows what a woman is

Gay: Anon looked at a mans butthole

Don’t forget also urethras

Objectifying women: wrong

Objectifying men: shut up incel

Fakest & gayest green text in a while:

Fake: anon cares about women’s tits

Gay: anon is totally in for butts, dicks and male assholes

I mean… i would not mind some Grace/Erin/Karen titties tho 😭💀

>I hope they have a scene of her taking her pants off.

>Perfect 10/10 ass

>turns around

>Big Juicy Cock

If anyone has ever seen Orgazmo (1997), they should do the same bit in da boyz, where, every time, just as you’re about to see a sweet set of bewbs a big hairy man ass pops into frame. Absolute cinema.

There is a show called Girls but I dunno if you wanna see their boobies.

The following occurred within the show;

. A man went inside another man’s urethra.

. Mother’s Milk was super jizzed on.

. Hughie was sexually assaulted for like half an entire episode.

. Mother’s milk was chocked out by a man’s elongated penis.

. The deep fucked an octopus.

How is a show with all the above and many more shy in anyway about showing a lady’s nipples?

Watch the herogasm episode, lots of those too

I just started watching the sopranos and I can’t believe how many tits there are in this show

I love it

TV movies and media in general has a long history of sexualizing women so I’m sure the show would get backlash if they continued that trend, therefore if they sexualize men then they’re in a way breaking the mold

Maybe they don’t want you to jerk off to the show or something.

The show gets worse and worse every year and it’s only being carried by the cast and the CGI / props departments

Congrats. Welcome to womens’ experience.

conservatives don’t like to look at or be around any type of hot girls. they are the most offensive

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