Another cool Time Magazine cover

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Oh! Oh! Oh! …And it’s also getting redder FROM the **Right**.

Time: “Under Trump, the White House has been taken over by Russia.”

Also Time: “Trump is Person of the Year 2024”

The new windows will be easier to fall out of. Hopefully, Elon likes to gaze.

It’s funny how people have no idea that the building above is a cathedral, not the Kremlin. Imagine if TIME did the same cover but with, say, France taking over the US, and put Notre-Dam on top of the WH, instead of the ร‰lysรฉe Palace.

From seven years ago.

“Everything is Russia’s fault.”

Moscow on the Potomac.

I thought that was hinting that india was taking over the US job market

I am not trying to start a fight or be an asshole so I hope the question comes off as genuine..
I’m not American so this is kind of confusing to me, If Putin invaded Crimea while Obama was president and invaded Ukraine while Biden was president, why is this idea that Trump being president is great for Putin?, It appears he doesn’t really care who is in the white house and just does what he wants?.

Itโ€™s so cool how we all just acknowledge that the former and next president of the United States is a Russian stooge and yet weโ€™re going to do absolutely nothing about it because we need to honor and respect the tradition that allows a fucking Russian stooge to take over the US government.

The problem isnโ€™t Russia itโ€™s oligarchy. But our media is incapable of drawing attention to the problem as they are part of it.

Back when time wasnt a coward.

Remember folks, this IS happening right now.

Reality is truely scary right now.

While it seems to keep up with the times, it’s actually a 2017 cover

Wait. Is this true?

Ffs, you people are so gullible.

Didn’t the left try this narrative in 2015?

Good old cover from 2017. Too bad we haven’t learned a thing

โ€œEveryone I donโ€™t like is a Russian agent, the democrats guide to political discourse.โ€

Bet Time won’t do one with AIPAC and Israel because they control this country way more than Russia could ever dream of

I wonder if Lavrov will make another Whitehouse appearance to see what his government has purchased.


Well, would they dare to use the wailing wall too?

The people who really won the election: Putin and Musk.

Under Bush: Russia invaded Georgia

Under Obama: Russia Takes Crimea

Under Biden: Russia invades Ukraine

Under Trump: Russia is halted

LOL, all Democrat propaganda these days looks like John Birch Society nonsense from 50-60 years ago. Didn’t have that on my lifetime bingo card, but I probably should have.

Meh. Little to on the nose.

Just another bric in the wall.

๐ŸŽผโ€were painting the [whitehouse] red, were painting the [whitehouse] redโ€ฆโ€๐ŸŽถ

Better dead than red

this is the magazine that made him man of the year? fuck off

I have a sudden urge to play Tetris. The gold version.

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