another day, another community notes w

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The truth gets in the way.  Now that Canada is part of the Trump Show, the marks must be conditioned to respond appropriately.

Community Notes should just be a photo of an American shitty neighborhood next to an idyllic shot of some Canadian town (Victoria looked nice when I briefly visited).

See how easy it to cherry-pick literally everything?

Fact-Checking imposes on my objective reality, I’m offended.

Trump really has MAGA convinced that countries in Europe and Canada are some kind of impoverished hell holes while the quality of life is way better than in the US in almost all of them

Thank fuck there’s a gigantic ocean between Europe and this bat-shit, orange, rapist prick.

After going to school in Canada for a semester, I definitely feel the US government is no different than North Korea with their propaganda.

Fox News is one of many propaganda machines that prevents Americans from ever taking the time to see if the grass actually is greener on the other side.

Why the hell are we picking a fight with one of our closest ally and neighbor who we have not had a problem with for generations?

Welcome to America 2024, where the truth is “Fake News” unless Trump and co agree with it.

If Canada was a state it would give dems huge majority in the house, 2 more dem senators and many many dem electoral votes lol

Imagine Celebrating income inequality, and not even doing it right.

This political cartoon was originally commentary on the commoners vs the oligarchy leading the United States. Some pea-brain patriot saw that, disagreed because they love being cucked into oblivion, and made this shitty alteration to it.

If you’ve ever been to the border, it is definitely this (in a sense).

On the US side, it was dirty, with some litter laying around.

On the Canadian side, everything was very pristine.

Pretty sure all of Canada still has pornhub too.

I thought the US was a crime-ridden, 3rd world country and failing state with rampant inflation? Which is it? I can’t keep up

Have they been to Canada?

Yes please we are poor so leave us alone !!

This meme is a caricature from Peru. Yes this wall does exists and it looks exactly the same
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Detroit /Windsor legit

Everyone in the us has a private house and swimming pool didn’t you hear?

Remember that episode of south park when the canadians build a wall in their border and americans got mad ? They should do it.


make your own comparison

Isn’t that exactly what South Africa looks like?



Minus us chanting the name of our country

The grass is always greener on the other side.

Ghetto vs nature.

That’s one of the things that will never cease to baffle me about conservatives, so many of them seem to be convinced the US is the best country in the world.

Why am I not surprised the guy who made this meme can not tell a country and a continent apart…

Question is who built the wall?

Even if it was accurate, at least they’re not Americans

Zach needs to take that Canadian flag off his profile

The US is so toxic that our neighbors can’t avoid it. Sorry about your proximity to us.

“How do North Koreans fall for their propaganda? Are they stupid? I would never”
*Cue this meme*

We can’t feed or house our vets, but yeah lets spend money building a wall we don’t need so VP Trump can feel like a big boy.

Even when the median house is 700,000?

Jokes on you BOTH countries has put many “illegals” (often natives) in concentration camps 😎😎😎

There’s even more irony in thinking Canadians live in a Hooverville like setting. Like where the fuck do they get this shit from?

I would argue quality of life for American 1% is number 1 though

16th according to google

Even if Canada was the left I’d still take it over the states

That was straight up brutal.

Shouldn’t those be igloos? 

I don’t know many Americans who wanted to move to Canada but I did and still know a lot of Canadians eager to move to USA.

I’m too old to move…

Does anyone Canadian want to adopt a20 year old lol

I don’t wanna live here

Not trying to get into the stupid “Canada 51st state” nonsense that’s been going around but how does one measure “quality of life” objectively? Why are we using US News Best as the measur eof this, a source that isn’t exactly known for rigorously compare things? OECD Better life index actually ranks the US and Canada very similarly. Basically, both near the top, with the US a tiny bit higher on the list but both rated near the top. I think quality of life can be so nebulously defined that you can tinker with any index to say anything you want (a general problem with indices in general). Common sense does tell me that the two should be similar, but people on the internet I guess will play to prove any point they want.

Ira absolutely not the opposite.

Of course, ten more states full of people used to socialized medicine might re-shape the US electoral map.

This clown is a canadian too, he knows better than this.

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