Another word of saying

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Gotta love it when oops, wrong house is the new battle cry.

“the man who was shot wasn’t currently a criminal, but come on, look at him, am i right? this statement was written by the cop.”

Look at him! He clearly had warrants at some point! This was a preemptive strike!

Feel bad both for having to include a giant /S here, and for how many times this has been reposted.

The police have lost the public’s trust.

They’re not liked, respected or wanted.

So the guy lost his badge over this, right?

The NUMBER ONE rule for law enforcement is don’t kill innocent people.

If you can’t follow this one simple rule, then you should not be a cop.

This is code for not white.

I don’t care what political party you identify as, this is straight up murder and that cop needs to be held accountable. I support the police, but I don’t support any corrupt police who believe that they can kill or intimidate whoever they want just because they have a badge. Police reform is long overdue but I guess that wasn’t important enough the last 4 years.

When I was 16 years old I had just got my drivers license and was taking a girl out on a date and a cop gets behind me aggressively with the lights on so I get nervous and pull over into a dennys parking lot and then about 10 other cops pull up and surround me. Guns drawn helicopter in the sky with the spotlight on they pull me out on the ground put the girl in a separate car and start searching my vehicle. About an hour later they come back k and finally let me go apparently they “had the wrong license plate number by 1 letter” no apologies no nothing needless to say the girl never talked to me again lol 😂 and I am deathly afraid of cops to this day

So cops murdered an innocent man basically

A nicer way would be to say,
Wrong house, wrong person, wrong result.

This is just the norm these days

Same shit happened in my city a few blocks away from me. Quiet suburban neighborhood. Dude was in his garage minding his business. Cold roll up for a noise complaint of an unrelated vehicle. Dude has his keys in his hand. Cop mistakes it for a gun. Caps him without giving any commands. Doesn’t provide any medical assistance. 5 minutes from a hospital and they let him bleed out in his friends driveway instead.

I get there are valid needs for police and some are good people who are in for the right reasons, but shit heads like this make it hard to be supportive.

what a fucked up country to live in.
Just minding your own business, innocent as hell. All of a sudden the police come and bust in your door and kill you, only to find out, whoops, wrong house wrong man. Teehee, happens sometimes amirite? =p

Such a shitshow

“But he definitely would have had one in the future. We were just Minority Report’ing him.”

#ACAB. I’m not sorry.

Lets flip it in the other direction to balance out the lies.
‘officer enjoys slaughtering innocent civilians’

Rather interesting way of saying “officers kill innocent man due to their incompetence and will probably get away with it”.

So, what the pigs REALLY mean to say is, “Eh, the brown bastard was probably guilty of SOMETHIN, amirite?”

This reads as if there was a “right” house for him to be killed in

“Allegedly” innocent.

A heartfelt apology like that should just about cover it.   

“No active” almost suggests that he was going to get one in the future.


i never feel safe next to a cop, i always get anxious

Requiescat en pace.

I hope those officers are given a just sentence for killing an innocent man.

But he might have had inactive warrants. Basically means he’s a hardened criminal. /s

“Just look at him. He was guilty of something”. – thin blue line crowd. 

At least it isn’t an “officer-involved shooting.” Progress!

Old of been Houston TX police who got an illegal search warrant and murdered to innocent people in their home and shot each other up.


Looks to me like he was guilty of being Latino. Maybe that’s why the cops shot him anyways.


“Wrong house” and “no active warrants” really said, “Let’s make this as bad as possible.”

So they murdered and innocent person?

The person who wrote that headline has no active talent.


Any lawsuit?

Not when you look like us it isn’t

And kill is a fancy way of saying murder

Your honor, we determined he was guilty adjacent

This is crazy and scary af.

Police are to blame for their troubles. Here’s an idea: arm the public again and disband the police. I don’t need them.

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