Anti-Nazi protests : Berlin 16/12/1931

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How many of the people shown on this photo would have survived the war?

So we need to go harder now. Or what are we gonna tell our kids when they ask “how did people let it happen”

Thatโ€™s what gets me worried, too. Is it enough to protest?

”History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”

โ€œ**Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it**.โ€

(source : []( )

Just goes to show protesting isn’t enough. It’s voting

I’m tired

This makes me feel incredibly sad

First they came for the communists…..

Anti fascist anti monarchist anti communist, this is the three arrows of the eiserne front of the socialist democrat party it was founded on the date op falsly attributes this picture toโ€ฆ,the%20communists%20and%20the%20Nazis.

This one is from four months later according to who attributed the picture to a berin archive. The date op attributed is the first date mentioned in the article the correct date is shown as a caption for the picture, thus op might be a mimdlessly acting ai botโ€ฆ

For anyone trusting ops source because its from a club who commemorates history for the party who founded the iron fromt, they obviously fucked up. They bought the picture from a swiss picture agency and i have reason to believe taht is where the false date is from, anne frank org is citing a public archive in berlinholding onto obviously public domain works of art and historyโ€ฆ

damn this is discouraging… so many people and it didnt help.

history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.

History tells us these people didnโ€™t succeed in their protest.

At least the Germans tried to resist. Americans in 2025? Not so much.

Protesting is never enough

Nobody took the Nazis and that ridiculous Austrian seriously. The conservatives actually believed, that they could use him. The left parties all fought with each other, many people did not stand behind the Weimar Republic.

Today it`s different in many ways. We know what those (censored) Nazis are capable of. We know what would happen to us personally and our fellow countrymen, if those bastards ever came to power again. Our conservatives are still stupid, of course, could they be anything else? But if and when Art. 20 IV GG (Right and moral obligation to resist) is applicable, we`ll unleash “Hell on Earth” on them, before they can do it to us. While there are absolute idiots (namely the sheeple voting for the Alliance for the Demented against Germany), 90% them are cowards and will flee once they see the new ornaments coming into fashion.

Most of our citizens (at least 80%) are loyal to our democratic Federal Republic of Germany.

The US under president Stink and his court jester Dumb are orders of magnitude more likely to become the next Fascist country, they are nearly there already. Don`t worry about Germany. Worry about those Austrian und Italian fools, that already voted fascists into power again. This time, they`re going to their deserved perdition alone.

Horrible and beautiful picture at the same time that brings shivers on every inch of the body.

Back then Germany was the nation with the biggest military on the World and the respective infrastructure to build more. In retrospect, all this hesitant re-build up of a war industry to aid Ukraine, may have been a wise move by the political leadership to not hand over a war – ready country to a crazy upcoming government.

I mean the AgD is far from being as ideologically involved like it was in Nazi times a worldwide clash of the political systems. They use tho the same instruments as the Nazis and are Nazis themselves. Yet if they came to reign, I wouldnt know what would happen. Their dumb ideas are as crazy as MAGA in the US with the only problem they are not oligarchs. I can see them tho tearing down all wind energy converters and solar panels down to prove a point, throwing the country technollogically in the dark age. That would be the least concern tho, the civil unrest because of Nazis voicing their opinion in public would be more hateful and bloody. The left is radical in Germany.

Strong America vibes.

Name of the neoclassical building from the distance?

You can count on the brothers over in Brazil to kick some nazi butts aswell!!
Cobra fumante, we ready!

3 arrows FTW

For more info on this movement look up โ€œThe Iron Frontโ€ (Die Eiserne Front) in German. The German Resistance Memorial Center has good info on it.

Stop the nazis

Here we are again. Funny how civilizations go in repeated cycles.

the world is doomed to another great depression, good news is the fascists have to hide for a hundred years.

uh oh

History always repeats itself…

They censored the swastika like hentai.

Would people in the future gonna see the the movies and think “woah, why they made movies where we are the baddies?” Or maybe they deleted it?

Almost all the books, shows, movies and comics show how Americans help fighting with nazis, but people keep saying “it’s a Roman salute” and shit like that.

Why in the hell you want to be supporting them? Almost everyone know what happen, maybe you didn’t read? Ok, but at least you see the movies. Or the documentaries. And people see that and can think “hey, they’re not the baddies, I’ll probably be on her side”… What the hell dude?

This reality is fuck as hell

So we have until roughly 2035 until Germany lands on the beachheads of the Gulf of America and begins liberating us? Asking for 300 million friends.

These guys stood up against literal Hitler, look at America now

Nice to see both women and men there

And they couldnโ€™t stop it for another 13 years without the help of every nation around the world pitching in.

I hope itโ€™s different this time but not seeing it.

This many people showed up then and we have so many more in population show in in America but it’s not being televised or spoken of. Our media is being blocked and muted for bringing up anti fascist rhetoric. We are full blown going authoritarian.

Wow. Somehow very, very depressing when you consider that these demonstrations have achieved nothing. I sincerely hope that today’s democracy is stronger.

Are you saying protesting is not enough?
Because it happened anyway.

Nazis taking the power only in 1933 ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก

Should have them in the US for how many people Trumpโ€™s sharpie pen has killed

Iron front?

On December 16, 1931, the Iron Front was established as a response to the increasing violence from both the Nazis and Communists, marking a significant moment in German opposition to Nazi ideology. This coalition, comprised of the Social Democratic Party and various trade unions, sought to defend the democratic principles of the Weimar Republic through armed resistance against rising fascism.
Sources: [German resistance to Nazism – Wikipedia](, [The Iron Front marches against the Nazis | Anne Frank House](

* [Stennes revolt – Wikipedia](
* [Nazi Posters: 1920-1933](
* [Anti-Nazi protests : Berlin 16/12/1931 : r/europe](

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Hard to accept facts: the best way to have stopped the NSDAP would have been if some other movement would have come before them and aggresively pushed back against the western allies hold on their nations prosperity with a voilence of monopoly and control of the country, while at the same time not being psycoticaly fanatic in their believes of an imaginary world order.

Did it help?

Oh reddit, you are lost beyond any hope…

You see people – protests work! Awareness was spread.

They look like normal people, not like leftys today

It didn’t help then, either. Amerika makes me sick.

If only they had proved protests always workโ€ฆ.

This is not the same as this one now

Looks a bit warm for December in Berlin.

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