Anti Semite and Donald Trump showing each other love in the Oval Office

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This is old right?

Lotta mental illness for one picture…

Well, at least Kanye West’s website selling T-Shirts with swastikas was taken down. That man needs some serious mental health help.

Is this an old picture?

A pair of asshole fishsicks

Photo is old. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a special place in hell for both these fellas but posting this pic without the date only days after this latest Kanye saga is misleading.

Or “anti semite and Kayne west…”

Same same.

Clayton Bigsby.

Two anti black men

Swastika and Swastica Jr.

This was 1/2 a DECADE ago now FYI…FUCK…

All I see is two Anti-Semites and misogynists.

The word you’re looking for is “nazi”

“I’m not racist, I have a black friend”

Nazi reunion

Donald Trump has never shown anyone love but himself in his entire life.

That red hat just makes people look instantly stupid, regardless of what it stands for. It’s such a dumb ass, low effort, low budget, design. It’s like something you’d have made for kids at a birthday party. “Ok kiddies, put your red hats on before we go to the minigolf place so it’s easy to keep track of you”

Should say:

*2 Anti-Semites Showing Each Other Love In The Oval Office

What a parade of assholes

You mean “two anti-semites showing each other love.”

How is anyone ok with anything that is happening?

Say, Trump, I hear you like ’em young

This is years old

Hey look, nazis!

Showing a 7 year old image just for karma is just down bad.

The world is being run by the mental asylum patients.

Clayton bigsby moment

Please say sike

Did he bring trump one if his swastika tshirts. I’m sure him and elon would love one.

Looking like he smell a fart

There’s not enough bleach to disinfect that office.

Anti semite and Hairpiece Hitler

Man Reddit is distracting hard right now

Self-professed NAZI and fascist

In case anyone forgot he is in league with actual nazis

This photo is from 2018

I just want to know when he’s going to put on the maid outfit

I hope people are starting to put two and two together at this fucking point

What a weird predicament. Kanye went on a tirade about how he’s a Nazi and that he claimed to have sex with Ivanka. So on one hand, trump loves incompetence and Nazis, but on the other hand Kanye is black and he fucked Ivanka. And **NOBODY** fucks Ivanka but Trump. Nobody.

Trump definitely has a type

Wait! You mean that anti-semites, Nazi’s, and Fascists are hanging out with each other…I thought I would never see the day…

Kanye doesn’t have enough sanity left to be pro/anti anything aside from being pro-lunatic.

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