Anti-Vaccine supporter RFK Jr sworn in as Health Secretary

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Bacteria sparkling in background

Fuck me, America is a mess. Four more years of this. Best of luck yanks.

What a world where a felon can be president and a heroine addict can be put in charge of our nationโ€™s health.

This was definitely the inauguration day for “Idiocracy.”

We confirmed a man who argued in court that he isn’t accountable because he has a worm eating part of his brain. That’s who is not in charge or the department of health.

We’re witnessing the fall of a nation in real time.

It’s a rough day for the scientific community.

Inb4 they replace tap water for Gatorade because it has electrolytes.

Man I’m going to put all my money into stocks of companies that make wheel chairs

Same dude who said Heroin made him the smartest in his class

So this is how liberty dies. With scarlet fever, tuberculosis, mumps and measles.

We are so fucked

When the going gets tough and people start dropping like flies, homeboy will get every vax he can. He just won’t tell anyone.


As his kids are also vaccinated. Because he got them vaccinated.

Science officially defeated

Great, now we’ll have Nazis, and also polio. Anybody know if they still make iron lungs?

Goodluck America!

So many people are going to suffer because of this. I’m probably not going to survive working the next pandemic if they are still in charge.

The demise of a democracy.

True patriot magas drinks raw milk just like kennedy!

Imagine trying to find the absolute worst people for jobs.
Health, vaccine denying nutjob.
Defence, alcoholic with no military experience.
Intelligence, Russian asset with no experience.
It’s all going to end in tears one way or another.

RFK wins the handshake pulling contest.

So, is like the rest of the world gonna stop people coming over from America now just in case?

He is making fun of the institutions and the American people

Welcome back, measles and mumps!

Which one’s hand comes away from that shake more orange?

Fucking walking corpses.

But he said in his confirmation hearings he believed in vaccines!!! :-\

Republicans are not doing their jobs .. just wait until farmers realize that the biggest recipient of money from us aid are US farmers.

Canโ€™t help but notice he isnโ€™t disabled by polio, or dead by smallpox, or on a ventilator from Covid. Wonder how that happened

Find a good, honest doctor. Not just a decent one, a good one. If you don’t have that already, keep looking. Find the honest ones, and stick with them like glue. Ignore the chaff. we cannot trust this government.

As millions die from formerly preventable diseases, I will take comfort in the certainty that Trump voting anti-science cretins will die at higher rates. I am not remotely ashamed of this.

It was nice knowing yall. Iโ€™m disabled so my chances of survival are slim.

He had his own kids vaccinated. Lol

The crackhead?

Glad I got up to date on my flu and covid shots a couple weeks ago. Everyone should be doing that now if you’re able to

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