Anti Vaxxer Meets Reality.

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What do you mean “disappeared”?! It’s still around today! 

They are ok with people dying. That’s one of the main differences between the two major political parties.

It’s such a death cult. They embrace it.

I love how some how conservatives are so obsessed with “science” when it comes to transgender people, pretentiously asking “WHaT iS a wOmEN” but then will be like “it’s all a hoax” and “you can’t trust mainstream science” in regards to climate change or vaccines or anything that just benefits the general public. It’s like they want to be wrong just because it hurts others and themselves.

Cities like Paris would’ve loved to have a vaccine since 50% of their entire population died. Shit could kill like Thanos with the gauntlet

Y. Pestis didn’t disappear. It’s still around. It’s just not a big deal anymore because antibiotics can cure it. So yeah, it’s not a big deal anymore but only because of medical science.

Not to mention the stances they took for it were a lot more extreme than “wear a mask” it was if you’re infected were nailing your door shut get fucked

For the record they think it killed almost half of Europe, not a third.

Do they not realize that the Black Plague is literally the thing that killed feudalism due to a lack of skilled labor giving the working class significant economic clout? For a party that’s trying to reintroduce feudalism, this seems like a pretty big foot-shoot.

Plague is still deadly if left untreated. Discovery of the bacteria that caused plague during the 19th century and the advent of antibiotics in the 20th century are why we haven’t had widespread epidemics. Plague still occurs around the world with thousands to tens of thousands of cases occurring globally.

It literally burnt itself out because it had damn near wiped 50% of the European population off the face of the planet.

Europe was also not the only place ravaged. It killed large amounts of people in the Middle East and in China (where it originated).


The black killed 1/3 of Europe and herd immunity was not achieved for 300 years. This anti-vaxxer is a know-nothing moron


Umm. The plague still exists and there is in fact a vaccine for it. Another fun fact, so is leprocy and there are treatments.

And came back every decade or so for a few hundred years to kill more The only reason that it didn’t kill more is because a lot of our European ancestors were immune to it for some reason(the not dead ones, obviously)

Black plague was actually many events over thousands of years.

It magically became a non-problem when we collectively discovered the significance of fleas.

How to meme that you’re uneducated without telling us you’re uneducated. No wonder they voted for Dumpster.

Decimated the population and relentlessly kept returning for generations. Good times! If you survived.

People never did seem to.understand that the “herd immunity” they kept trying to say we needed to do instead of vaccines involves the virus culling the susceptible out of existence.

Erm, some estimates put the death toll at 50% and it “disappeared” because…welp, ya gotta have hosts (I know bubonic plague still exists). Derp.

That and it’s still here.

Why anyone redacts the people who say this in a public forum is beyond me.

More like 2/3. That’s what I read previously.

It also didn’t dissappear.

And the way it stopped spreading was barricading the infected in their homes, where they either got better or stopped living.

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