Ants got into my coffee machine and began to sprout into some kind of mushroom/fungus

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There’s a chance the ant was put there by another ant to protect the colony from the fungi spreading.

Cordyceps, burn the ant and toss the machine

Cordyceps. The stuff caused the zombies in The Last of Us..

Just to be clear, cordyceps are not dangerous to humans and in fact have a wide range of benefits, though I wouldn’t start chowing down on those ants. Just a good washing of the coffee machine will do

Open up a Sporebucks

One of us
One of us

This particular fungus is called ophiocordyceps unilateralis it targets specifically ants and other insects as a sort of bio diversity and is not harmful to humans, you can actually eat it. Fun fact, cordyceps actually has many medicinal benefits!

Burn it all


Bomb. Start bombing. Bomb this city… and everyone in it.

I didn’t have a caffeine-fueled cordyceps takeover on my 2025 bingo card, but I guess I can squeeze it in. 

Apparently cordyceps are actually good for you


Obligatory whenever Cordyceps gets posted.

Oddly enough Cordyceps is showing promise for fighting cancer.


Did you ever see the episode of X Files called firewalker?

You’re about to be known as patient zero.

God fucking dammit, can we at least wait until 2025 starts proper before the apocalypse begins?

*aggressive clicking sounds


Clean the coffee machine….. Is on my to do list thx

The fungus makes the ant go to a potential food source (here it was coffee grounds) before the ant dies from the fungus digesting it from the inside out, and then those little balls on the tips of the stalks release spores into the coffee to sprout mycelium. Pretty crazy adaptation of the fungus.


Do you drink cordyceps coffee?

Going to end up being considered gourmet & will be *many bucks* a pound.

Cordyceps… fire

Burn the city

Definitely remove it the F from your finger!

They sell cordycep pills at gas stations for “male enhancement”

Highly caffeinated cordyceps.



You got lucky if it is cordyceps, add them to some enhanced grain spawn and see what happens.

Cordyceps. It’s possible they were attempting to leave the colony because they were infected. The ones that find infected ants will sacrifice themselves to get rid of the bad apple.

Do you drink mushroom coffee by chance? Some of them have cordyceps in them.

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