anybody have friends/ family regretting their vote yet?

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Not here.

But my favorite part is that even if China DID pay the tarrifs, it would be the businesses, not the country… And they’d just increase their prices anyway? It would be literally the exact same result with extra steps.

Just, obviously, the importer pays, not the exporter… Because we only have legal jurisdiction to make the one in our country do a thing.

Sigh. It’s literally the Mexico wall idea all over again. He proposes something impossible, says he’ll do it, and nobody can argue with it because it’s so obviously impossible there’s nothing more to say.

…didnt we go through this already with Mexico and the Wall? Trump promising that they’d pay for it? Rings a bell?

How do people keep falling for the same lies over and over again?

Not outwardly, but their silence speaks louder than ever. In conservative fantasy world, they don’t talk about things that make them look bad. Like they don’t exist if they don’t talk about it.

So I’ve heard nothing about his cabinet picks, immigration plans, or anything else. While many will never outwardly admit it, they know they fucked up. Conservatives know their non Trump friends/family are going to absolutely roast them if they bring it up.

So on the nose. That’s prime cut face.

I hope eggs and milk is $10 when Trump is President

Dad laying in a recovery center from pneumonia after the election. Voted trump and starts bitching about loosing his VA benefits next year. After a long silence between us just looking at each other. Finally I speak up and give my dad one of his responses from when I was a kid.

“Well it’s not like anyone didn’t tell you about this. You’ve been told since 2020 but you didn’t want to hear it, so now we’re here.” Then added “if you’re lucky you’ll die before he gets into office and won’t have to suffer over the next four years like the rest of us. Love you dad it’s time for me to go.” Then I got up and walked out. Pretty sure I’m out of the will now but don’t care.

One of mine responded to some serious side eye earlier today with a very fast garbled bitter rant along the lines of “I guess if that happens we’ll all be homeless in the street and die together!” Said with her 4yo in the back seat, wide awake and listening.

Which just wrapped us back around to the beginning of the conversation, our oldest local relative has been refusing all visitors since the election because she’s scared of dying horribly when the Medicare cuts out.

She keeps saying she’s got news she’s gotta tell me in person sometime but not yet because she knows it’ll upset me. I’m fairly certain she’s got a bottle of emergency exit stashed away and is planning on *deliberately* not making it through the next year. So you can imagine how I’m feeling about the relatives that sweet old lady loves who voted for her death.

My parents said project 2025 wasn’t going to happen and now it is.

Good, I hope they all do without. I hope every last one of them suffers significantly over the next 4 years and deeply regrets their idiocy.

But, the truth is, those fucking morons will find a way to pretend like libruls and them thar immegrents are to blame.

These people are so fucking stupid.

How is the US Customs and Border Patrol – the branch of the government that collects tariffs – going to get money out of China…..before their goods get to the …… wait for it…… Border??????

And who owns the goods that are IMPORTED into the US? What we would call a business that imports goods from China…..maybe an Importer? Companies like Dole, Samsung USA, IKEA, Chiquita, Lowe’s, Walmart, etc.

Like even conceptually, how would anyone think the US government would collect taxes from a manufacturer IN CHINA????

No, no they do not.

Thank you for playing.

Fresh face for sale, fresh face for sale!

You don’t have to fall for fairly obvious troll bait, guys.

Tariffs are a great idea if your country has a competing industry. But if it doesn’t…….

Oh come on, there’s no way that isn’t a joke account

China will pay the tariffs is the new “Mexico will pay for the wall. “

He lies, and they’re stupid.

I have tried to engage in a meaningful conversation with my best friend from high school about tariffs. He truly believes that tariffs will bring back US manufacturing in less than 4 years. He also seems to think that “they can start growing fruits and vegetables out west,” despite drought like conditions. Despite him drinking coffee, he said that he’ll likely switch to sugar free energy drinks.

Annnnd I’ve talked to way too many people who think Trump pays them stimulus checks out of his own pocket, and because he’s richer now than ever, he’ll do it so much more often now!

The problem is, we’ve gotten stupider and stupider, nationally, Mike Judge movies or no, and I can’t wait for driverless cars because I hate to think of these people driving on public roads.

The argument in favor of tariffs is pretty simple. In order to “protect” American workers, or American companies, you make foreign stuff more expensive. The mechanism is not that important.

It works great IF you are one of the protected workers or companies, because the cost of the protection is spread out across everybody else. If you’re not in a protected group, you see the higher prices but don’t get anything from the “protection.” Walmart has already pointed it out to their customers.

Nope. Donnie could murder their dog, and they still would never admit they made a mistake voting for him.

my asian american parent trump supporters who primarily shop at asian grocery stores will find out soon enough

Yep, one of my coworkers didn’t know this as well. Then they thought it would push us towards American made products, not realizing that this will affect almost every product no matter where it’s produced. American companies use Chinese things which will cost more, thus raising their prices more.

They will, and always do blame Democrats for not explaining it hard enough.

Awww they voted against their own interests! 🤣

Let’s really examine the depth of thought that led here.

These people thought that there was a mechanism that existed that US government could have used to make foreign governments pay all of our taxes for us, and we pay nothing.

Really think about just how fucking stupid you had to be to believe that.


“big discovery” with 0 likes and 0 shares.

I think we found OP’s truth social account.

this is an obvious troll

What the fuck, people. Look at the name. Look at the handle. There are no retruths (can’t believe I had to type that) or likes. You’re telling me that if I log into Truth Social and look up this account this ‘person’ will have a genuine post history?

Stop fucking upvoting ragebait.

It’s going to be 4 years of disabling cognitive dissonance for some people.


Anyone else feel like they’re stuck in a Groundhog Day loop with these tariffs and promises?

People realizing the end consumer pays for everything is always fun.

I wouldn’t know I cut them off

Most people I know are frantically doubling down on voting for him. I ran into my *thankfully former* roommate at the bar the other night. After a few too many beers he went on a loud sermon like tirade about Trump being the miracle worker we need. 🙄

Every single reputable source is reporting the same exact thing…..his tariffs, mass deportations and tax breaks for the wealthy elite are going to send the economy spiraling into the abyss.

I’m living in the sad reality that this may be my last year being able to afford Christmas.

all. they.had. to. do. was .up

Tariffs, the only things that will trickle down.

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