Anyone else have nights like this?

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No, because I learned a long time ago not to go down that rabbit hole. You were 100% getting worse as the night went on as you got more tilted.

Call it for a while after a few loses. Helps the mental game and physical.

take a break, go to bed or play quick play and come back another day, trust me

OP we need a game replay. Super high deaths and low kill games, with no assists. Says a lot.

Are you instalocking DPS and refusing to swap ? If so, you deserve those losses.

Let me play the devil’s advocate here. Look at your KD for most of these games, the deaths are extremely high and kills very low. (KD is not everything, but it’s an easy indicator to tell your skill level). I can tell that you are not on support because your assists are very low as well. IF you are on support then you are just not playing your role right. If you are on tank God bless you.

That being said if you truly want to climb, besides improving, don’t queue after a loss or 2 and only continue after a win. Good luck you still have half a day before Season 1.

Edit : To supplement, you can queue with friend(s) and it will be more fun even if you lose. You can also add players who are good and ask to queue with them as well. No shade thrown at you OP, we are here to have fun and get better! (Please keep the engagements civil)

You die alot..

Sorry to say this, but the fact that you are solo queuing and playing badly does not help your case. What characters are you playing?

Don’t rage-queue my dude, you’ll start to “expect” a win from the game and then play badly because of that.

This is why they added bot match if you’re on lose streak on QP, this is just not healthy.

Cool your head abit.

That reminds me that i want another icon here that Shows waht hero was played. Would be so good tbh.

Last night it was the opposite for me. From around 50-50 suddenly I won 6 or 7 in a row and moved from bottom of Silver II to Gold III. Stopped playing rankeds after that because I only wanted that Moon Knight skin.

Looks like you’re playing at your rank.

Jesus Christ that is honestly impressive

I would have stopped and done something else after less than 1/4 of this… But I still don’t think so.

Bruh, if you lost 3 games in a row with a bad k/d, why you keep playing? Mind you I donโ€™t know what character you play, but my guyโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆyou lost more than 10 games back to back and was like โ€œIโ€™ll play another one.โ€

Just one more game bro

Learn how to use your main character and then try again

Bro no way, how is this not intentional?

Not a game ending in 5 mins ๐Ÿ˜‚. Bro do a reset after 2 losses or youโ€™ll be playing with the same annoyance as the last match

Just play more quick games and be flexible!
Also give more focus on team passives like Luna and Namor or Skarlet and Magneto for example

This is how you know, that you are the deciding factor in your losses. Sorry op but you donโ€™t lose this amount in a row without it being you. You need to look at what your doing wrong and change something.

First thing is you die ALOT. Whatever you are playing itโ€™s not the class for you

Nah this is a skill issue

I don’t. If I lose 3 times in a row I call it a day, or come back a few hours later, after winding down on another game or some YouTube time.

Jarvis queue me against this guy every game

No because I always turn the game off after 2 losses in a row. It isnโ€™t good for you

OP will win a game, and gain the ELO they lost in 2 games, and then people will behave like ELO inflation isnโ€™t a thing ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Spotted the insta lock dps player that complains about no heals ๐Ÿ‘€

Bro, at some point, you gotta learn how to not die

Bro STOP playing after 3 losses in a row. Take a break and walk or eat+drink then maybe try again but for the love of god STOP playing when you’re on a bad streak

In 17 games you broke even in 3โ€ฆ. Maybe master a couple of roles in casual

Guys just stop after you have 3-4 losses in a row, do smth else or go to sleep and continue another time

Learn a healer

Losing in silver 3 is brutal.

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