AOC is 100% correct.

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You’d have me fooled with how many working class people vote…it really is unfortunate how money has infected everything with politics and culture to convince so many people to vote against their own interests

She’s not wrong.

One day we’ll get tired of being the product.

I would like to jump in and remind people of a fun little fact.

>*”[This article reviews and summarizes widely scattered evidence on abortion and eugenics in Nazi Germany. Following an overview of abortion legislation from the beginnings of the German Reich through the Weimar Republic and a brief perspective on the birth control movement, sex education, and contraception, consideration is given to the influence of demographic trends and notions of eugenics and racial hygiene in evolving population policy. The Nazi years are then discussed in terms of abortion and birth control policies and practice in the period 1933-39 and in the war years 1939-45. The former period was characterized by the suppression of the birth control movement, increasing restrictions on grounds for legal abortion, and severe penalization of performers of illegal abortions. During the war, racial grounds were virtually the only basis for legal abortion, numbers of illegal abortions rose abruptly, and penalties were severe. Experiences in neighboring occupied countries mirrored, with some variation, the German policies and practices.](”*

(looks over at Roe v Wade)

This is your daily reminder that history can and will repeat itself unless we learn from it.

If only half of Washington had half of her principles and ability to stand up.. thank you AOC

What about trickle down economics?

Will you stop at just words AOC or will you risk career suicide and build a team to stop this Elon guy from using the constitution as his personal tampon?

but but but Elon is different right?

Not for too much longer…

History is repeating itself and no one’s doing anything about it. 😞 I think a lot of people are feeling helpless right now 

🇺🇸2028 AOC 2028🇺🇸

But but but… who’ll create jobs and tell us how we don’t work hard enough???

Hey! The Rich worked hard for that money, by waiting for their parents to die and inherit the money they inherited from their parents.

I’m just here to complain again. This sub is such a political echo chamber.

While I don’t disagree with the sentiment of the above post, it’s hardly “Murdered by Words.” The sub used to be full of absolute zingers of people getting owned. It was hilarious.

What is this post other than just more endless political propaganda. It’s exhausting as every Reddit sub picks a side of USA politics and focus exclusively on it. There are things in the world happening outside the USA.

Wait till they get AI in place. Then they won’t need the working class. Why do you think all those tech bros were standing behind Trump???

This need to be her entire message and run for president.

Shes right

Pretty difficult to argue with that one.

Sigh. Gonna scroll to the bottom to see what those in denial have to say

> “Ants Don’t Serve Grasshoppers! It’s You Who Need Us!”

_- Flik_

Where would a worker work if a billionaire didn’t own the business? Genuinely curious.

When was the last time AOC built a factory.

Ironic because she supports billionaires and not the working class

But without billionaires who’s gonna reap the benefits of all our labor 🙁

Uh…sure. Until to try and go get a fuckin’ job.

She isn’t wrong, but murder where? 🧐

Ok, give up Google, Facebook, Instagram, petrol, Walmart, Amazon, coke, Costco, Microsoft, apple, and NVIDIA chips

If only we were secure enough to elect a woman of color…

Sadly, there’s too many fragile males in the US..

Even billionaires don’t need billionaires…

Billionaires make countries and their working class rich

Where murder

If society were run as a co-op or say, a democracy then all individuals would be free to work to their abilities, according to their needs. Not the fucking elites eating my lunch- maybe Pericles

Uhhh no… They both need each other….

Though in the future due to AI and machines many jobs performed by the working class will be performed by AI and machines/robots with just a handful engineers to maintain them.

We already have restaurants fully run by AI with no humans that take orders and do the cooking.

She’s correct, but the root of the issue is the working class creating and enabling a significant portion of said billionaires.

Correct. But tax the churches.

If only this subreddit entry was literal. Alas, no new player twos in sight

Billionaires should not exist. The system is flawed and we MUST move on from any that are based purely on monetary value and gain.

3rd grade level analysis. 

The GOP should be very scared of this woman. After 4 years of Trump tearing apart the lives of the working class who voted for him , they will be more than willing to look to someone who actually has their back.

I’ve been saying this for years. The whole “lucky you have a job” mantra is purposely demeaning. No, you’re lucky you have my talented ass to make you the income you have.

Not anymore. They just need us to go away cause “Their dad built this playground”. We’re done. It’s over.

Being rich is way more fun than being poor

🤣 the WORKING class. Employed by………..?

Would do her

Then she needs to do more than bitch about it like we are on Maury. I mean jesus, democracy itself is under attack. What are common citizens supposed to do besides protest and rebel? Is there really nothing else she can do as an elected official besides wait for us commoners to come in and clean up the mess?

It depends how hungry I get.

It’s like the billionaire character in the book and movie contact, commenting about wanting to give back to humanity after he feels he has stolen from so many throughout his life. It’s a work of fiction.

Get ‘em, Alexandria!

What has she tangibly done for her district? She always has the correct sound bite but I don’t know anything she has actually done.

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