Apparently the feeling is not mutual…

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I genuinely don’t think that Trump knows or cares much about the German political landscape or the CDU’s position within it.

Why the fuck is he name dropping himself in his own tweet

It’s funny because the Conservative Party of Germany is way more liberal than the conservative party of the USA

Jesus christ I feel like I lose half of my brain everytime I read a tweet from that idiot

Ignoring everything else…

No gentleman calls ***himself*** a gentleman. And certainly not in third person.

This is just sad how far we have fallen from competent presidents. He doesn’t understand German politics. We use to have presidents that were experts and knew other languages. JFK wrote a book called “Why England Slept” which he donated the UK profits to a UK town affected by WW2. Theodore Roosevelt loved German Poetry and was actually someone who knew how to fix corruption—and it wasn’t paying a billionaire to send government info through AI.

He’s trying to pretend he wasn’t actually supporting AfD. That or he just genuinely doesn’t know the difference. Probably the latter

God damn his inability to post without using all caps like a ranting Madman.

Isn’t the CDU the party Angela Merkel was from? German conservative is very different from American conservative.

Shh, don’t tell him Felon (the other one) has been stanning pretty hard for AfD

Americans forget that “conservative” in Europe does not mean batshit crazy Abrahamic fanatic

Mertz is going to give Ukraine more weapons


European Conservatives are not American Conservatives.

For everybody that wants to know what the CDU stands for and how it significantly differs from the Republicans you can read their program and policy changes in English here

Kind of pathetic that Trump is so uninformed on global events that he doesn’t even realize that his allies in Germany lost, the conservatives in Germany aren’t aligned with Trump. He’s the freaking president of the united states, why is he not consulting with advisors before commenting on the politics of other nations? Does he even have advisors anymore?

It’s perfect, that idiot did no research other than registering the word conservative in his annelid sized brain and went “hur dur good job fellow conservatives”

Fucking perfect. This is the guy who’s going to save America?!

The milk didn’t even have time to expire on this one.

When he talks in the 3rd person it is just laughable.


I love the line “and for the united states of america under the leadership of a gentleman named Donald J. Trump.” What a fucking narcissistic asshole.

I hope they shut down all American military bases in Germany and send them back home

Conservatives in the US are so skewed to the right that they see themselves in AfD and try to normalize it

Does Trump not realize that he isn’t the conservative party anymore? Maga is the American AfD. There was no conservative candidate for the last 3 elections. German conservatives are not going to be friends

“many years” what? we had a single 4 year break from our conservative party.

Trump doesn’t know how the German voting system and parliament works. This is not going to be a conservative government in any way, even though the CDU is a conservative party. They only got about 28% percent in total. This is not a big win. They will have to form a coalition and will likely do that with the SPD, and not with the fascist AfD. The SPD is a left wing party. So this government in total won’t be completely conservative.

why does he feel the need to type in all caps

Hahahahaha. F*ck Donald Trump.

I think maga needs to take a moment of contemplative silence when countries one after another are all saying

“we hate trump. He’s a fascist bastard & we are taking steps to achieve economic independence to avoid trade with the United States specifically because we hate him that much”

And ask themselves if he’s still what’s best for America

Conservatives in Europe are basically Democrats in the states. If you took the US Republican party over to the EU they’d call it a fascist, far-right party of extremists.

Conservatives in Germany are “Germany first” and not very fond of USA. So yeah, cope harder.

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