Are temporarily orange braincells allowed? He tried to drink spaghetti sauce water from the sink and stained himself orange. It’s not washing off. He’ll be partially orange for a WHILE.

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cat ✅

orange coloring ✅

intellectually challenged ✅

spaghetti water lol, welcome, silly creature

After meeting with Garfield and Heathcliff, this community’s board of directors, your handsome cat has been voted permanently welcome.

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Some are born orange, some achieve orangeness, and some have orangeness thrust upon them. – William Shakespeare (probably.)


I have a white cat who I spilled my wine on. I dried it as best I could so he didn’t get drunk cleaning himself, but it was too late to save the coat… Poor little fella was burgundy for a couple of days.

Dawn dish soap will bring that right out but the brain cells will not appreciate your effort

Just his true color coming out😅

What proof do you have to say he has been drinking spaghetti water ?

It’s not a phase!

Is he Tupperware?


He’s embracing his inner orange. 

He’s just correcting his colouration to match his brain cell.

Showing off his true color. lol

If Trump can be classified as orange thanks to substance abuse, so does your cat

Orange is a mindset, a culture. This one was probably adopted by an orange cat

We are all Orange on this blessed day.

My old standard issue kitty did this with chilli con carne once. Big orange smile.

Dirty dishwater blonde? Hell no. Sketti water orange.

WHAT A FACE. Looks like he also belongs in r/AccidentalRenaissance! 

Honorary Orange. Orangary?

Definitely an honorary orange.

That orangeness is going to be speaking to him like Venom until it’s gone

I love how he doesn’t even know and poses all majestic.

Based on the way this handsome man got his orange… I’d say it definitely counts😂

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. 🧡

Glenn loves spaghetti night

He can stay, but he goes to the back of the line! My boy hasn’t even seen the brain cell in all of his 14yrs, and I’ll be damned if some UPSTART newbie *chokes on own saliva

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