Are they just stupid?

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It’s real easy to donate your salary when you’re making multiple times more money selling your country’s secrets to the highest bidders.

And stealing from kids with cancer. That too.

Trump never did

He waved around a check on camera. But until he releases his taxes all we have is his word that he did it.

So trump never “donated.” Also he made 68 million dollars for overcharging the SS to stay at his hotel.

I bet Biden doesn’t even have 30 felonies!

Does he realize DJT contributed more to the federal debt than all other presidents combined and that he wants to put our country into so much more debt? I’m bothered he wants to do it for the sake of billionaire tax cuts.

Edit: he contributed more than any other president in US history, but not more than all presidents combined.

It’s more like their base is stupid. They can just say whatever they want and their base eats it up while never checking facts.

If it’s Earache Trump then yes – he is just stupid.

The biggest joke here is Eric having a friend

When was the last time Biden charged the secret service above market value to stay at his property so that the US government paid over 200 years of presidential salary in hotel fees?
Also, we need to see receipts for any of these donations to charity. He only “donated” to the military families after his fake debate rally after he was hounded about it.

It’s cool, he’s cutting federal spending on children’s cancer research anyway so Trump got the last laugh on them kids after all.

No they are not just stupid. They are willfully ignorant. Which is usually a sign of being nasty. They are stupid AND mean.

When did Biden ever create a fraud pump n dump grift stock to pump and dump for 6 billion upon his cult whining about the price of eggs? And follow it up with a fake cryptogryft where he and his family get 35% of all transactions?? PLEASE!!

Or the last time Biden profited from having the secret service stay at his properties ?

And his tax records show he never donated hid salary.

Isn’t the point of donating salary just for show and to avoid tax rates at the high brackets? Or am I missing something?

With Eric you’re probably right. The rest are also grifters.

Tell your friend to ask, jerkoff

>Are they just stupid?


In the case of Eric, yes. He is stupid.

I also don’t see Biden proudly and openly fucking his own daughter.

Hitler also “donated his salary” but after the first year quietly stopped doing that once the rubes fell for it, just like Trump I’m sure.

People who can afford not to take a wage from being a political are probably the last type of person who should be one

Trump donating his salary — a mere pittance in the grand scheme of his financial grift on the American people — is like someone stealing people’s life savings behind closed doors while making a big show of handing out $20 bills in public. Trumpers are the fuckwits who think they got a free $20.

They’re stupid and evil. What kind of person supports these kind of people? They’re like every villain in every book, in every movie, and throughout history.

Assuming Trump ever donated his salary, the presidential salary was a drop in the bucket compared to what he grifted from the American taxpayer when last in office.

How do we know Biden didn’t donate his presidential salary? If he did, I expect he wouldn’t make a big show of it. “[T]ake care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father. / When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win the praise of others” (Matt. 6:1-2).

Further how do we know Trump did? Is there documentation. We certainly can’t believe it just because he said it.

Who is dumb enough* to think Trump wants to be president because of the salary?

*Rhetorical question

No, they’re aware that their supporters are unconcerned with their past crimes (likely because they don’t believe they happened) and suffer no consequences for their hypocrisy.

Is it time for Eric Trump to step down? What time was that?

Wait, wasn’t the whole Trump presidential salary refusal claim debunked as another straight-faced lie?

Poor Eric is so damn stupid. Nothing intelligent ever escapes his mouth.

“Why are Biden and the Democrats so selfish and obsessed with their money?” asks the party that is currently in lockstep with one of the wealthiest men in human history after he basically paid them to become the first American oligarch.

Eric lacks the basic math skills to understand that billing the US government back for their lodging at Maralago more than offsets any salary giveback DJT might have done.

It doesn’t matter what they do. Their base is too stupid, racist and naive to care. Hell, they vote against their own best interests for these professional criminals. Doesn’t matter what they say so long as they make sure to touch on the classic talking points that stir up their bae enough to vote based on prejudice rather than common sense.

Hes literally selling shit like trump bibles, crypto, nft’s, etc. Why the hell would he need the 250k or whatever it is for president.

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