Are they serious about this

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Meanwhile some places still run XP on their manufacturing lines. With internet connections.

Windows 10..?

I’m on 98 already, why is everybody so far behind!!

Am I the only one who remembers Microsoft pitching this as the “last” iteration of Windows, and that Windows 10 was going to just become Windows OS?

Might be wrong but think you can still run Windows 10 – it just won’t be supported (meaning there won’t be any updates or help if have a problem)

Yes, Windows 10 came out in 2015. It’s been 10 years. You can still use your Windows 10 devices but you will not receive future updates and security patches, meaning any potential flaws that might be broken will never be patched after this year and you leave yourself vulnerable.

Windows 10 had support?

I’m planning on install a Linux build on my laptop with Windows 10 that can’t upgrade to Windows 11

Here I am still using win7

They announced this a year ago or more. This isn’t new.

It happens to every operating system. Every. Single. One.

Honestly I keep hearing people complain about windows 11 being buggy. But I’ve been using windows 11 since it came out and it’s an absolute breeze

It’s a 10+ year old OS. How long do you expect them to support it? Serious question.

It’s so annoying because I have a CPU that isn’t compatible with Windows 11. Are they just gonna leave us in the dark because of that?

We finally got windows 10 stable! Time to force everyone to replace it with unstable windows 11 with all of the settings under different names and different places

wonder how many good computers are gonna wind up in the garbage due to the fake system requirements

Mandatory AI slop from Microsoft execs.

Join the club of those of us using 10 forever?

I mean windows 10 has been out since 2015 and windows 11 was released in 2021.

This impacts everyone getting an extra 10 years out of old hardware who don’t need to game. Microsoft could simply flip a switch and allow the upgrade to 11.

Dang it’s almost like companies are all bad.

Dumb as it sounds, my main reason for not moving to 11:
While you can change the alignment of the icons, you cannot move the taskbar to the left or right side of the screen in Windows 11.

They do this and then they usually get push back and extend it a few times with each version. It took them years to end support on xp. 

Yup, move onto the LoT version of W10. It is supported till 2032 I think

I won’t say where, but check out Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021. Gets support until like 2032 or something, and is kinda just better than all the other editions in every way

Have u been living under a rock?

They’ve only been telling people this for the past 3-4 years…

I work in IT and we haven’t rolled to it yet, because rolling it out across the board is a pain in the ass. We usually do computer refreshes when we do OS refreshes, which is what we’re doing this year.

But our department have been testing it for around 3 years now. And I’ve been using it at home for that long and I’ve had zero issues with it. There are things that are better, there are things that are worse. Many of the issues I had with it on release have been resolved like right clicking the task bar to get to task manager (it didn’t exist on release), or the context menu changes (still not great, but better). But things like Terminal being built in now is amazing.

For the vast majority of people, the OS really doesn’t matter, they use it as a launching mechanism for applications or the internet, no one in this user area will hardly be able to tell the difference short of the context menu and the start menu being different.

Once my laptop with Windows 10 is no longer functioning, I’m probably just going to switch to an iPad and be done. I only got a laptop with windows as a requirement for grad school.


They some how in their pea brained little minds decided that vertical real estate was not as valuable as horizontal and on windows 11 added the feature that one MUST have the control bar on the bottom or top of the screen only. Such masterful brilliance never before or since seen in the software world.

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