Are We Great Yet bumper sticker

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Should make a few million of them…

You haven’t been great for a long time, but, in the last several weeks, you have become infinitely worse, and completely controlled by the Russian Dictator, Putin! Americans are so easily deceived! It is truly terrifying to the rest of the free world!

America is a great evil now

> *Are you tired of “winning” yet?*


I am terrified. I feel like a long night has set over us and I spend every day raging at the sun demanding that it rise, because that’s the only thing that I can do.

America was great again…2020-2024

Trump 2.0s goal was supposed to be “Make-America-Go-Away”……he just forgot. Only 6 weeks in, and he has alienated alnost all of his allies and united them (unheard of) to work as one to leave the US behind. Good job buds!!!!…. keep up the great work /s.

You certainly grate again.

‘The Greatest of Great and getting Greater’. 

Like there’s a mandatory ‘ / s ‘ in here! 

These people include some very brainwashed people and putting this on my car in Upstate NY could get me shot lol.

I will trade feeling financially broke and unsecure for feeling embarrassment in a second, but alas I feel all three..


It didn’t work last time, why would anyone think it would work this time.


You’re embarrassed,
I am terrified.
We are not the same.

Greatly Embarrassed

I’m tired of “winning”

I think it is stronger without the embarrassed line at the bottom.

Does anyone have the cards?


Make America Great Again (for Billionaires)

That’s a new and good one. 👌

Merriam-Webster’s definition of “great”:


lol, nailed it 

Love it!


DAMN! I salute this license plate! /bow

We are only 3 months in, bruh.

So what is this original post about then? The sticker. What are you even defending? What is this post about? Not sure why you are so focused on an example I gave and you haven’t been able to give a single example to explain what this post is about.

Seeming more and more cultish and I’m very willing to hear out both sides…

Allways been great or you’d have keft long ago or people would stop running to us for a better life or aid protection I’m not a Dan of the whole hate American bs

Harris voters are losers

What a great picture 🤗, this whole sub is fuckin slop

Bros not even 2 months in and expected the world to make a 180. Even if everyone was 100% on board with everything, it would still take a long time to see the impacts. You have people always commenting that trumps good economy during his 1st term was due to obamas policies.

So is reddit controlled? Cause I keep seeing this style of post that just seems immature.

I’m not for either party but I do notice that people keep saying things are bad…. but no substance to what they say.

Like one time I asked a doctor what an injection did/was for and the response was “its good for you”

Meanwhile iduno were things better in the last 4 years??

I’ve seen that they took money from illegal immigrants and diverted it to disaster victims. I don’t understand how that’s bad?

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