Are we surprised

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If Elon’s selling starlink data as military intel that’s gonna kill the concept of the company when selling it to foreign powers. Who would want to use a service that might sell your information to the highest bidder? Horror of murdering people aside, how is this even a good business decision?

He should be tried for treason for failing to register as a foreign agent.

so he is openly spying on Ukrain for the Russian. Elon musk is directly attacking Ukrain and its allies. he is himself causing people to die

Use it. Attach a Starlink to a battery and roll it near enemy positions with a land drone and then remotely turn it all so the Russians shell their own.

Verified? If so, Musk should be jailed.

This is why they pulled all access to Starlink from Musk during the Biden admin. This is so ghoulish, and I hope to hell that Musk gets his for this.


I fucking hate Elon but I’m not trusting random image as a proper source.

This is a typical dont believe everything you see or read on the internet. Just a warning for some redditors who actually do believe this at face value.

If this were proven true, it would be indefensible.

Course not. A Nazi collaborating with the Ruzzians.

So what’ll it take to audit this claim?

I am going to assume this is not true absent any sources confirming this story.

Please do not post without sources.

Isn’t that Yevgueni Prigozhin?

This is bullshit and something needs to be done.

Stick a STARLINK on a drone and turn in on over a Russian position. Free artillery strikes.

Musk should be tried for war crimes!


If that’s true, then he deserves a place in the Nuremberg 2.0 processes together with Krasnov and Putin.

This is treason. He gets control early so he can control outcomes. He did the same with our election.

“He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers,” Trump told the crowd. “And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.” – Trump, January 19, 2025

Ah so that’s why he offered it…

This is why private corporations have no business in war.

He also sold Starlink to russia via a 3rd party. This isn’t a surprise. It’s something that had to happen sooner or later. Unfortunately

disgusting; not surprised 🙁

I wouldn’t be surprised if Elon was assasinated at some point in the future after all of this

Sadly this will likely be used against us in the US when trumpet declares martial law. They already have the ai drones. This will be really bad in the US. Mark my words.

As much as I wouldn’t be surprised, I’d want to see more evidence than a blurry screenshot of a tweet referencing a tik tok as a source. Any real info on this?

What the actual fuck has this sub become lmfao

Soldiers continuously broadcasting radio signals on a known frequency are easily located by the enemy? What a shocker.

A terrestrial direction finding antenna array could locate the source of such signals quite accurately without much sophistication. It is very basic radio technology.

He should be careful, Ukraine will not forget.

r/OPIsFuckingStupid for posting this here before reading the rules.

Source? This look like fake news

This is an extremely serious claim and shouldn’t be posted without sources.

The comments are hilarious, suddenly Russian troll bots care about sources.

Musk seems to be asking to get double tapped 😳

It’s probably the farthest from a secure connection. I bet it makes certain waves and they have it found almost instantly.

Seems like a convenient way to waste Russian resources now though. Just set them up as cannon fodder in a safe place.

I hope they watched Return of the Jedi

Could Russia be tracking the antennas or signals for star link?

… Is it wrong that I just thought of a way to abuse that in the defender’s favor?

put a starlink device near a russian hideout and switch it on…..

Sneak that bad boy to the enemy’s base and turn it on

RF spectrum analysis can allow adversaries to pinpoint transceiver locations.

This is a basic and known warfare tactic.

well I suppose they could eventually use that in their favor. Just start turning it on in random deserted places and get Russia to waste some bombs.

Or maybe its just that the starlink emits radio frequencies that can be easily detected by the other side especially since im sure Russia has satellites monitoring that area. Its called being stupid and giving away your location. They might as well post their locations on google maps.

Is it possible to detect the signal sent from Dishy McFlatface? Unlike old school satellite dishes that only receive data, the Starlink antennas also transmit.

Any other source besides a screen shot of Tiktok? If not, you’re no better than any other misinformation peddler.

Prigozin survived and defected to Ukraine it seems. Hahahaha

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