Are you a fighter?

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If I fight the fights I can not win, I am a dumbass

Or youā€™ve read Sun Tzu

I’m a fire fighter.

If you fight fights you can’t win, you’re a masochist , not a fighter.


Yeah going up against Goliath makes me not a bully. Especially when I have the resources to fight. You do realize they make weight classes for a reasonā€¦ right.

Depends on if I’m initiating the fights or not. If so, I’m a bully. If not, the other guy is a dumbass for picking a fight he can’t win.

Jake paul

What am i if i only fight when someone attacks me (after trying to defuse the situation at least a tiny bit.)

I would only fight bullies when they bully me and I would win.

Superman just a bully then. F him.

spoken like someone who picked a fight with the stairs and lost

just like me =C

What if I only run away?

I should stop playing pokemon then…

Even if I were sure to win, there is a non zero chance I could lose, therefore, not a bully.

It makes you a coward. Not necessarily a bully.

just wank off in front of your opponent. nobody wants to fight a dude who just busted a nut


…or the opposite. I’m insecure. I fear failure. I have anxiety issues.

Don’t you have homework to do? Or are you not old enough for weekend homework yet?

It should go like this: If you only fight fights you *can’t lose*, you’re a bully.

wtf is this r/iam14andthisisdeep ahh post

The greatest victory is not a battle fought, but an assassination.

“Choose your battles wisely” is a saying for a reason. Fighting is a chance game anyway, I’d say just choose either fair or good chances…

If thatā€™s the only condition, then there is only a condition of proving that you *arenā€™t* a fighter, and not one that proves you *are* a fighter.šŸ¤“ā˜ļø

But if I fight with no hands and my opponent with no legs, does that make me a fighter or a bully? šŸ¤”

If you fight every fight you can win you’re a bully
If you make a fight out of every situation you’re an arse

If Iā€™m being bullied and choose to fight when I can win then Iā€™m the bully?!

Why the fuck would I get into a fight I know I’ll lose?

if you fight, you are a dumbass. Use a firearm, use your second amendment, GOD BLESS AMERICA

This is why firearms exist. Bully these bullets.

i mean its technically the truth

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