Are you into crypto, man?

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Was it like Canadian Tire money?
comment image?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0a4ed04e7f13db4e3dfdce8dfd0260ebecf33d

Is Kohl cash a real thing? Or does it just supposed to sound like this

That would require a crypto bro to actually talk to a woman though

[If you’ve got the time I highly recommend this Folding Ideas explanation about crypto, NFTs, blockchain, and scams.](

Cuts through all the BS and techno-gibberish.

Don’t do this, im an introvert who has many golden retriever extrover friends. I’ve tried this tactic on MANY things I didn’t ask about and didn’t care to know. They will use this as an open door to just… talk… more…

Crypto guys are the same as horse girls, change my mind


I’m stealing this. Not even for crypto just any random thing. Next time someone explains *literally anything* to me I’m gonna drop that dime.

My wife, “except you can acctually use Kohls cash.”

I know that this isn’t a reference to the former chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl (which means cabbage btw) who was famously corrupt but it is still funny.

This just threw me back to shopping in highschool w my mom

Kyle Prue made up this joke years ago.

Oh but wait till you hear about this new imaginary coin that like does stuff and and this big youtube guy says its gonna change the world so so so i spent my life savings on it

-“Oh, so it’s like Kohl’s cash?”

-“Yes! Exactly! Anyways, as I was saying…”

Kohl’s cash is much easier to exchange for goods and services that bitcoin

Yes or Dave and busters been trying to tell people this for years. Nobody listens 

Thank you for reminding me that my $20 in Kohl’s cash expires this Friday!!!

This is incorrect, Kohl’s cash can conceivably be redeemed at Kohl’s.

Crypto is where you buy something thinking it may go up in price but the creators cash out before you get the chance and get rich while you wonder where your money went.

A better analogy is Beanie Babies.

What’s the ratio of Kohl’s cash to Stanley nickels?

That’s the perfect response!

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Usher bucks

It’s beanie babies for tech bros.

The funny thing is, it is.

This is funny because scammers on dating apps ALWAYS bring up crypto after a day or so.

Disney bucks

Just shows that person isn’t smart 🤷

Except that Kohl’s cash actually retains its value.

men are the worst haha

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