Are you shitting me rn

By Rjd334
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Mommy chill

Your mom don’t like your 🌈🐻 ass

My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone


Maybe he’s bringing a dude this year.


Are you?

By bring does she mean come up stairs?

Tell her you are behind Wendy’s offering Handies to recover your loses 😉

Is your mom single? What’s her @?

God damn bro.

You tell her you’re bringing home your gf’s bf


What’s the app you are using with the visualization?

Puts on girlfriends. Can’t afford one.

“And her bf”

Say yes, and bring a whale. Tell her ahead to cook more than normal.

He’s going to surprise his mom this year and will be a girl.

A crying handy at the table might be kinda exciting

Market menses.

![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)I met ~~her~~ him behind Wendys

you should bring u/31andnotdone 🥵

Well did you reply to your mom, don’t keep us in suspence.

So much red 😫

I’ll find you a nice girl behind Wendy’s

With AI, everything is possible

Great, now we can buy them cheaper.

That’s pretty funny OP.



At least prepare your mom for the fact she will no longer be a 6.5/10.

You so red.. russian bot

Everyone leverage to the tits

Nobody likes the Pow announcements, like ever, no matter what.

Not in this economy

OP: Yes but she’s bringing her boyfriend

And I sold my VIX options call yesterday for a small profit. Held one more day and I would have made a lot more. Oh well. March 18, 2025 $14 call. Bought around $13.50.

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