Arizona Green Tea priced at 99¢ sells for $3.25

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It’s the store or restaurant you’re buying it from that is upcharging it.

The gas station I go to for snacks had their sign up throwing shade at other stores. “Our Arizona’s are 99 cents unlike some places, just saying.”

Isn’t there a thing where you can report that to Arizona and they’ll basically give the store in a bunch of shit or something? I coulda swore I read something about that a little while ago..

[The price is on the can, tho](

Too many mildly interesting posts really should be in mildly infuriating. 

$6.50aud here as an import in the shops.

I hope you weren’t stupid enough to actually pay for it then.

WinCo got em for $0.68

I would leave it at the counter and walk out

The price is on the can tho…

Smells like airport prices

Is that teriyaki madness? Place is dogshit

This should be on mildy infuriating.

Yeah. Buying a canned drink at a restaurant with your meal costs more than buying the canned drink by itself somewhere else. This is not new.

Retailers can charge what they want.

Sidenote:[Cool video of the CEO saying why he hasn’t raised the cost of Arizona tea, and why he doesn’t intend on ever increasing it.](

Bruh is in a restaurant.

Thats my favorite way to tell if I’m at a normal gas station or one of those shitty gas stations that gauge 5x the money out of you assuming you’re just quickly popping in without much thought. If they can’t even resist uncharging you on the most well-known cheap drink that literally has the price on the can then you know every single thing in the store is also at least 3x more than it should be.

Don’t forget to tip 25%

There’s a market near me that sells it for $.99 and sometimes 2 for $1

Don’t even get me started

So many scattered comments about this that really need to be addressed.

1) MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price) is just a suggestion – however – it has to be labeled as such. The can states “Great Buy! 99 (cents)” does not say it is an MSRP.

2) Their website states independent retailers can and do price however they like. Arizona also makes cans without the price.

3) Know your local laws! Some US states have passed legislation that subjects retailers to penalties for mis-advertising prices.

While the printed can isn’t their advertisement, they can purchase cans without the price printed on it, and the retailer decided on the can with the price. I’m curious if a retailer could be penalized for not following the price printed on this product, as they decided to sell the product with the price printed (not labeled as MSRP) instead of deciding to sell the same product without the price printed.

“They had the option to sell the product with or without the price. They chose to sell this product instead of its counterpart without the price printed on the can. The retailer is counting on the consumer seeing the price on the can and not noticing the actual amount charged.”

Send this image to Arizona, they’ll square up

Both fists and funds

Report the vendor to Arizona and they will pull their stock and won’t resup

Report it and the retailer will have to either not carry it or honor the price on the can

You can actually report that.

That ceo does not fuck around with his prices

That’s some bullshit.. saw an article not long ago where the guy who created these supposedly never raised the price on em, despite literally everything else doubling/tripling in price over the years.

Leave it up to big corporations to fuck up what could’ve been a really awesome thing smh.

The price is on the can

Price is on the can doe

I mean… Don’t buy it?

MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price) is simply a suggestion with no contractual enforcement power.

In fact, manufacturers setting prices on behalf of retailers is a form of antitrust violation. In the old days, huge corporations would dictate high prices to retailers so that they can’t undercut each other, so the manufacturer can then charge higher prices to each retailer.

By making that practice illegal, manufacturers are only able to suggest pricing, retailers are free to compete with each other raising or lowering prices from MSRP.

So the retailers can charge whatever prices they want ignoring MSRP

If you want them for 99 cents just get them a Walmart, target, or ever a grocery store. If you go into a gas station things are normally much more expensive

Is that gas station poke bowl?

In austria we pay €0,99 for 1L

Great buy!

7/11 does this shit all the time. Not as steep but usually around $2

Charging 225% more, it’s like their asking you to take a five finger discount🤷‍♂️

I would just take it back

OH noo they didn’t!

This shit got me heated

Interesting is that you still chose to pay that much for it.

I suppose it’s a restaurant and not a convenience store. Restaurants mark everything up. Every t h I n g.

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