“Armor” He can eff right off with his nonsense.

By CrunchM
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I see he changed his photo and name back from whatever that cringe alt right bullshit was

It’s astounding that people still claim this dude is some sort of genius. He is a testament to how little merit is involved in the alleged meritocracy of the technocratic society.

You have to be careful because exploding and bursting into flames is the cybertruck’s default factory settings.

That’s his take away? That’s his response to this? Jesus Christ were ruled by morons.

not to make myself look sus or anything.

But my understanding is that you want to contain the initial explosion as mush as possible to increase the explosive power. Like a pipe bomb

They are lucky the Cybertruck “bomb” was just some gasoline, camping fuel and fireworks piled together. What was thrown together in the bed of the truck wouldn’t have “exploded” a vehicle, beyond catching it on fire and blowing our the windows. If you watch the video of the Vegas explosion, you can see that it’s mostly fireworks going off as well as a fireball from the gasoline igniting, with very little concussive force being generated. It’s something Hollywood would put together to be flashy without causing much damage to the surrounding area.

While I’m sure the stainless steel shell of the truck bed helped direct the force up through the plastic cover instead of outwards, it by no means indicates that an explosion from a true car bomb would be “contained”. The Cybertruck isn’t a monolithic steel construct; it’s a series of metal plates that, under explosive force, would be ripped apart from each other and become very deadly projectiles.

It’s a shame mythbusters isn’t around anymore. I bet they would have fun blowing up like 30 different vehicles just to test the veracity of this claim

The stainless panels are glued to the body. There’s lots of videos of people peeling them off.

Armor my ass. When was the last time you saw a stainless steel tank?

Cybertruck is the new lifted pick-up.

Don’t the Cybertruck panels literally just fall off?

Poor Musk… hard to say what would look worse for him… a terrorist using his vehicle or his vehicle spontaneously exploding without warning.

It just turns into a giant frag grenade.

For a man who owns an aerospace company, his understanding of both physics and explosions is deeply lacking.

Casual reminder Elon Musk is not a mechanical or aerospace engineer and has no fundamental grasp of physics or chemistry and this extends to material science and machining.

He knows at best how to code a little. No CS majors, it’s not universally applicable.

Stainless steel dumpster

But what does Adrian think?

That things a death trap.🪤 along with Teslas

Spoiled someone’s camping trip before it even got started

The more pressure the vessel can contain, the more powerful the blast when the vessel does rupture. That’s why people use pipe, pressure cookers, or propane cylinders make bombs.

He’s a fucking dimwit.

Any other commercial vehicle probably isn’t as likely to just up and explode.

I’ve never heard of stainless steel armor. Usually it’s Kevlar or something. Can any military folks confirm whether they’ve ever seen stainless steel armor? It sounds like it’d be really shiny.

Somebody died in this?

Parts of the exterior are literally bound to the body with fucking GLUE.

So…….it just exploded like that on its own? I don’t think that really is the flex he thinks it is.

This moron is using a persons death to drive a narrative? In NY State that’s terrorism!

I read that it had gasoline, fireworks, and camping fuel in the bed. All that needs is a small leak and a spark

I always try, best as possible, to enter the new year positively. This year, the only positive going in was half staff flags at the inauguration.New Orleans this morning and whatever else in Vegas kinda killed it.
That being said, I am sick of the media giving credence/life to m^sk and what he says. Stop validating him and his views. Who fucking cares that he changed his display/@? BBC, my last, semi legit, news source did. I’m exhausted going in, exhausted already, and getting ready to just turn off from it all.

Today I learned my refrigerator is armored because it is made of stainless steel. Thanks Elon!

The intention behind the ridiculous vehicle was clear: it was rented and parked outside First Lady Trump’s building. They didn’t seem to mind how far the tin foil blew away. The message was directed at you two clowns. For being so confident in his intelligence, he certainly isn’t as clever as he thinks.

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