Artist Jonathan Harris and his painting titled “Critical Race Theory”

By aacool
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Well played. How much has anyone else seen of 2025s black history month? It’s ok ill wait

He looks like young Malcolm.

That’s really great, he’s very talented.

For a second I thought he was standing in front of someone painting over it.

I’m a 70 year old white dude, and I think this is brilliant.

Is it too on the nose for reddit??

I had no idea Tom Scott was so racist. The guy posts a fascinating and education video every week for 10 years, goes into retirement, a barely a year later, here he is, whitewashing black history.

Should’ve been on the cover of times this month.

This is one of my favorite paintings. Absolutely brilliant in the simplicity of its message.

This is one of the best paintings I’ve ever seen.

💯% accurate

First thought was: Derivative of Mark Tansey’s “Triumph Over Mastery II”

That is a very powerful painting!

Most of these idiots didn’t even realize they had a problem with black history month, well until one of their overlords told them to of course.

Having lived through the 60’s it now looks like deja vu all over again.
Going to needs lot more Jonathan Harris’ to correct this country’s course again.

Hopefully really soon and scare the shit out of some of these really cocky maga types.

He looks like Big Krit (rapper)

art is subjective. this art is just awful. didnt even use most of the canvas. 4/10

Alright everyone, set your watches for an hour from now. Come back and sort by controversial and lets see how many extremely ironic comments racist leave here.



and i will wait until some of y’all black folks look at your history and get some fully automatic weapons, black fatigues and go step marching down the road. Like brother Huey used to do.

Brought to you by Russia.

I also think keeping racism alive and well is important.

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