Artists Anonymous

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Oh sweet a new elf face for that one guy’s collage

Don’t worry, all these artists volunteered to be in this comic, so now I don’t have to feel like the only lazy person who makes comics๐Ÿ‘



Did you almost not draw this because it was hard to draw the other characters?

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I feel like Merivus (sp?) sometimes uses bad comic ideas just so they can draw a ridiculous face they thought of, which works great because the faces are *chefs kiss*

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Elf remains silent.

I first read it as arthritis anonymous, which I guess still kind of applies.

Who’s the second from the right, I mildly recognize everyone else.

Comic premise: What if horses had hands?

All the hand parts are close ups, and the horse parts are full bodies galloping.

Even more fun when you’ve restricted yourself to using official LEGO pieces.

I feel this pain, what I draw never matches what I see in my head because my head thinks Iโ€™m more talented than I really am.

It’s me, dreaming up a long-form space opera with none of the skills to execute it tastefully. Better just keep doodlin’ in the meantime, I guess.

Me but with writing. I have several really great and amazing story ideas tackling some deep and heavy things, but I know that I am absolutely not qualified to write on the topics involved, and would likely end up being horribly offensive due to ignorance.

same but with memes.

Shots fired.

Thankfully Merrivius or however you spell their name is there to help them grow out of that phase by adding funny memeable faces in every panel

C&H probably throws in the towel the moment they need to draw anything more complex than a circle or a square.

Is that cyanide and happy ness? Or a person with a similar style

So it’s not only me? I guess that’s comforting!

Elf face? Elf face.

Anyone else immediately mentally follow up “Hello, My name is Joe” with “and I work in a button factory” or just me?

Pizzacale should be in the last panel but she would have threatened to sue you

who is behind the elf girl? is that stonetoss??? or am i just having a bad brain day


Whose the pale dude second from the left?

Hey buddy, great job on the one hand you drew ๐Ÿ˜Šย 

Well, I don’t use ANY comic ideas because they’re ALL too hard to draw.

I suck at drawing.

Who’s between C&H and Cat mom?

I sometimes donโ€™t write out songs because it would be hard to compose.

Elf is kinda the reverse it has bad comic ideas with no written punchline that are saved by high detail hard to draw weird elf faces.

I just draw them. Badly.

I muted this sub why is it showing up on my feed again?

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Yeah, but where’s Elk?

Btw, that’s what (among other things) AI is there for.

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