As a Hulk main i often find in this situation of “Now what do i do with this guy…” when i team up. Any tips?

By ioQueSe
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Throw me at whoever is bothering you the most

Throw me directly at the ceiling, I’ll course correct as needed

There’s a lot of Hulks that just throw me at the ground in front of us and I don’t want to be mean and tell them they’re not doing it right

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Vertical, but for more guidance I personally like landing right behind the enemy tanks. Seen hulks aim for healers or dps and that’s not the plan. Lemme lunge a tank from behind right into our team please.

Toss them to me, right when I say “Maximum Pulse”

Wolverine has a weird hidden ability where he does zero damage to Venom. So thereโ€™s no reason you should aim at Venom. Ever.

You should be throwing him at tanks and other targets for him to take away to your backline

But it *would* be really funny to grab an Iron Man…

Listen to all the Logans out there:

I understand that you probably want to be thrown at their tanks, as you do well to displace and kill them as our friendly neighborhood Wolverine.

However, if I’m carrying you, and I see a storm or an Iron Man in the air, I’m gonna Tom Brady that shit.

Throw as high as possible

Off the map where he belongs of course.

Straight up, and jump before hand.

Throw them at Storm

They should ping where they want to go

This is the only team-up that iโ€™ve never seen in my games and i hope to see it one day

Up and at them.

UP. I hate when Hulks will just chuck me 2 feet ahead. I wanna reach their tanks so I can cut them to ribbons.

(Edit: I know my flair doesn’t say I’m a Wolvie main, but I play a lot of different characters and kinda can’t decide who to actually *main*.)

Not off the edge of the map

If there isn’t a priority flyer or out of position tank, then just up in the air as high as you can. Anything but low to the ground (or off the map…)

Usually towards a tank.

Off the edge….like 80% of Hulks I’ve encountered. I just don’t let anyone pick me up anymore when I play Wolverine. The other 20% is so far deep behind the enemy line. Rather, just be thrown at the tank? But hey it is what it is

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Throw them in the void, itโ€™s funny

right behind the tank.

I always tell my buddy to “throw me in Coach!” It doesn’t matter where.

A good Wolverine will get thrown in, hit berserk claw a few times then they should kidnap a tank back towards the rest of the team and berserk claw again.

As long as you ain’t throwing me off map or to a random corridor where no one is, I don’t care where ya toss me, just throw me in Coach!

tony’s ult, whenever possible

Throw them at tanks

I deploy the Wolverine as a UAV, charge jump, then leap where he lands so I can bubble him. I then either leap back or stay depending on how much we are da-winning.

Try to throw me into someone in the edge of a bundle. I’ll then snatch him up and away

I personally tend to play wolverine as a huge scrapper (yhough, haven’t played him sense the patch, so his survivability in those senarios might have gone down)

Basically, if the enemy’s all grouped up, toss me in the pit. I either make mincemeat of ’em or die instantly and there *is* no inbetween


off the map

Right in a straight line towards the punisher turrets line of fire. Please and thank you

You all know where

Over there please

In the general direction of flying enemy’s or enemy back lines


Right off the edge of the map!

โ€”This message is approved by all vanguards everywhere!

At tanks

โ€œJarvis, activate freaky doge modeโ€

Personally use me as your personal anti air cannon, I already do my best to pluck them out of the skies. Have been about 50/50 on getting either storm or iron man out. But if there is no flyer toss me anywhere in the chaos and come with me, letโ€™s fucking party.

The best Hulk I’ve played with in terms of the team up and got me into position and threw me directly at their Thor when he seperated sight line from their team, goated throw. That’s ideally the kind of plays you wanna line up.

my life is in your hands, do what you must

Just up please. Literally straight up is completely fine, Wolv has so much air mobility he can correct it.

Also thank you for picking up your wolverines, the amount of times I have a Hulk and they just never pick me up is so many lol

The point to touch

As high as you can..

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