As a lifelong Canadian, TRUMP CAN F*** ALL THE WAY OFF! ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป

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I don’t understand why Canadians don’t want to replace their free healthcare with mass shootings.

And I quote my Danish EU MEP (Anders Vistisen): Mr. Trump, Fuck Off!

Here in Canada, we have free health care, so why the hell would we want to give that up?! No way is my country becoming the 51st State in that mess called a country right now! ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป

Does he understand our healthcare sucks? No he doesnโ€™t because heโ€™s rich and can get any healthcare he wants.

No thanks. As a Canadian, I’ll keep my health care and our sovereignty. Trump can fuck right off. We’re Canadians and proud of it. I’ll pay tariffs until I die rather than join the US!

I had a family member with a six figure income and amazing insurance living in the states who needed surgery. Even after the insurance they were $30,000 out of pocket. I had surgery in Ontario, paid $20 for parking.

Sorry man, you Canadians donโ€™t deserve to be dragged down with us

Would rather die, personally, than become American. Canada is far from perfect, but it’s leagues better than the crack house downstairs.

Lololol. He said better health coverage! Lolol

I’m pretty sure PP would take mushroom and berries all the way down the throat to appease the dorito. Elections have consequences, our next federal election matters. As does every municipal, provincial and local.

Yeah no. We don’t want that for you either. Trump is an idiot. Sorry y’all are getting dragged into this.

“the Canadian citizens… would have much better health coverage.”
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Keep in your lane, 34X convicted felon.

As an American trump can fuck all the way off, Iโ€™d love to be a Canadian but I donโ€™t think u guys will take me.

I can’t believe this is just the first week. I don’t think I can take four years of this lunatic.

Please declare war on the US so we can surrender and live in a civilized country and have health care.

One more thing! Yeah, because all those fires up in the national forests and parks have fire hydrants everywhere that could’ve prevented fires from spreading in 80-100mph winds. ๐Ÿ™„
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Also, he looks like dog shit!
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Letโ€™s sell out Canadian identity for worse healthcare. FFS. ๐Ÿ™„

Our healthcare system is far from perfect but we donโ€™t go bankrupt over medical bills

Ahhh yes, republican math. Whatโ€™s better than paying $0 dollars for 1st world care? Playing $345,000 because your appendix decided to try to kill you, with an additional $45,000 for having the audacity to need a bed to rest in after you had to have it removed.

Also Canada has Data Privacy laws and sees it as a human right. I donโ€™t think they want to give their personal information to tech companies for them to make profit off of them.

But most boomers and older gen X do understand that because they were never bothered to learn about the realities of data privacy. Or how much information around your health can be sold and used against you

Combover Caligula can go burn in hell.

It is insane that every word out of his mouth is a lie. Think about any other person in the world. If Kim Jong Un looked a reporter in the eye and said “I think if I controlled the US, the people would see a great deal more personal freedoms”, it would be called out.

As a lifelong American, Trump can fuck all the way off.

Quick anecdote: I ended up in the ER in Vancouver a couple weeks ago because I was suddenly severely short of breath. Total of three hours in the hospital, in which time I got two rounds of blood work, ECG, chest xray and a CT scan. Diagnosis was bronchitis. Doctor handed me an inhaler, and I thanked him and walked out.

He knows the reality of the US healthcare system. This is just another distraction from MAGA gutting democracy.

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