As an American yes, this is exactly what is happening.

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Over 100 million people didn’t bother to vote (too entitled and lazy). That’s more people than voted for EITHER candidate

Bold of you to assume the US is a civilized country

But…eggs were expensive…

As an American I can say yes, we are doing all of these
things unfortunately.

We in Canada should get our own shit together.

We need unblinkingly, and with integrity, confront our own ugly truths as we decay into self-oblivion. Continued arrogant, mythical superiority looking down our noses at our cousins south is a fool’s game. It is also evidence of our own cowardice.

Our house needs foundational repair and vigilant maintenance, not a new coat of paint papering over growing rot – if we don’t fix it it will be sold at a discount and the new owner will.

America is about to wreckt double time. We have a large portion of our citizenry that are idiots who are fueled by hate and cannot be reasoned with and refuse to accept fact as truth.

Leopards are coming for faces the next few years.

I read there’s a British politician pushing for extending asylum to Americans because of Trump…I’m ready to go, as long as I can take my cat. I’m not looking forward to what’s coming in the US

I’ve been aware America was being dismantled since I was an early teen and now I am almost 40 years old. I tried to do what I could, tried to inform people, and donated to alternative media. Covid was the last straw for me. After enduring abuse of my basic rights by my fellow Americans, I owe them nothing. I moved away from the country and am just watching the inevitable happen.

Things were much worse in 1864

ha, this guy thinks America is civilized. America is unfettered capitalism

I’m pretty sure Canada is failing as a nation.
You don’t have a prime minister step down if he is doing a good job.

Meanwhile Canadians by the thousands cross the border for common medical procedures.

Canada is much more in a mess culturally and economically than the US.

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When Americans that make $40,000 get a vote. They will vote to give you another $5,000 out of that $40,000.

Cause Magats are really surface level emotional beings, now you got Donald running a bit coin scam on you idiots.

About to get fleeced again lol.

No child left behind, and you can see which ones clearly were these days.

I’m so grateful for all of this financial advice…

what would Canada know about an empire?

Lol, Canada ain’t in a situation to preach. Their taxes are touching stars, housing crisis, overrun by immigrants both legal and illegal, job struggle is really bad. Healthcare benefits wait time is killing people.

They aren’t in a better position to preach. Also, people voted and didn’t vote and chose a person to have power over them, when will we stop crying like babies and start doing things….

nobody is taking anyones rights, wake up

Maybe it’s the fall of our republic. Wonder what comes next?

Canada ain’t too far behind

Not only in Canada, in Europe too.

Yes, that is the price to make to increase the wealth of the oligarchy.

That’s not true because we are not an empire

🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Canada?

You lost me at ‘As A Canadian’

Are American’s selling their homes in droves and moving to Canada because its so much better? I hear a lot of complains up from folks I know up north, many the same- high costs, housing specifically. The inflation hits Canadians more arguably given they have a higher sales (consumption) based tax to pay for ‘free’ healthcare. Also, about that, I have heard plenty of stories, including from my own family, of poor healthcare or greatly delayed healthcare sometimes resulting in advancing conditions resulting in death. So access to healthcare in a less than timely manner perhaps isn’t really access to healthcare. Folks like to dump on Trump or make fun or senile old Biden, depending what team you play for, but the Canadian government doesn’t seem to have done a great job for the people over the past decade and seems to be a bit of a dumpster fire at the moment so perhaps don’t point fingers until you sort yourselves out first.

The sky isn’t falling, some people are butt hurt their candidate didn’t win.

The education system has been destroyed since the government got involved

Rome didn’t fall overnight, it had a slow and steady decline, just like we’ve seen USA going through for a long time.

The Canadian PM destroyed the country so thoroughly he had to resign and his political party may cease to exist entirely after their next election. They should probably get their house in order first.

Yes- now that Trump is President the world will collapse. 🙄

Still better than Canada

This is officially the worst country in the world. USA is trash.

We’re screwed

With popcorn 🍿

American here yes it is and its devastating to watch form the inside.

America is sinking
The real question is when will people jump off the ship?

That’s … pretty much on target, sad to say. There’s always been a latent (or not so latent) anti-civilization tendency back to the nation’s founding, but I did not expect to see it unleashed so baldly in my lifetime.

Canada is surely protecting the world with tar sand exploitation.

This has been happening since 1776… Old news

MAGA ! Looking forward to the next 4 years!

I cannot refute any of your points but I would respond by pointing out that we have 5 guns per person on average.

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