As it should be

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One of my classes does online discussion boards each week and it’s really obvious who Chatgpt’d their response. We have to reply to 2 others each discussion and those ones always have no replies.

I get the idea but I could also see students A.I generating an assignment and then just writing it down. Obviously that means there’s an extra barrier for them to cross but it would also make things harder for all of the honest students as well.

You can still use ChatGPT and just handwrite the answers

Glad I’m done with school and university, always hated doing things handwritten and preferred typing. One of many things where people ruin it for everybody.

Imagine trying to explain this to someone 30 years ago lmao

Responding to peers’ work is the worst way to learn. Gosh I hated that crap.

this is such a lie. no one cares about responding to discussions posts that much. students only make those posts because they’re forced to in order to receive credit in the class. they’re not looking to get into an actual intellectual debate on canvas. just as many were phoning it in before AI as they are now.

I mean, people would just hand write the ChatGPT content then. It’d just be more time consuming

As a current college student who is generally against AI, and who doesn’t use generative AI for writing assignments, I don’t think this is a good idea. Computer and digital submitted assignments are just so much more convenient for students, and from what I know, professors as well. I also just don’t think this will stop AI use and cheating in general. People who use AI are gonna cheat if they can, they’ll for sure just copy it down, or find other ways to cheat.

I also don’t think this is the general sentiment among college students. I don’t know anyone who would care about having to peer review AI work. Most people I know hate peer review, I doubt a significant amount give enough of a shit about it to care whether it’s AI or not. This might be just the people I’ve talked to, but in my experience, people have very negative opinions on paper assignments.

I’m not saying this person is wrong for posing this idea, I just think it’s pretty short sighted, and I definitely don’t think this is something that students find as an issue.

I feel like just calling people out for it is a better solution than banning typed work. Most people who use Chat in circumstances like aren’t capable of using it well: ypid have to really understand the assignment and the ideas you wanted to capture. Instead they just put the assignment into chat and hand in the result, even when it’s clear to anyone who understands the assignment that it was a generated response.

I have basically started giving 100s or 0s on written work. If it’s not correct–doesnt respond to the prompt–i hand it back with a zero and it has to be redone and resubmitted. I don’t have to argue about whether it’s chatgpt because the paper fails conceptually. I will usually say it’s AI and that is why it’s so bad, but technically the reason for the return/rewrite order is that the essay didn’t fit the requirements. This way there is no point in angrily complaining it wasn’t AI.

Yeah, I work in a high school and AI generated writing is so easy to catch. I can’t believe I was worried about it a little over a year ago. It’s hard enough getting freshmen to write complete sentences.

As a college student yeah I fucking hate the lazy fucks at this point half my time in group assignments is spent editing the obvious Ai abuse done by people that can’t even do a presentation without reading their presentation

Why stop there, just go back to the chisel and stone

They would just use AI and write it down on paper. Doesn’t fix anything. Just takes longer

I love this but my old, decrepit hands do not. I can barely write more than a few paragraphs at a time now without my hand cramping.

I’m in university right now and I think honestly most assignments just can’t exist as they are now, I think they need to be done under time constraints on a PC that’s invigilated for the tests, I know most universities are moving away from exams but it really is the only way you get a true idea of a students knowledge on a subject in the age of AI. But then I also understand the point that if ai can do it what value do you actually add, so I honestly don’t know right now for sure invigilated tests until we figure out how to properly incorporate AI and how it will affect the workforce.

I’ve got those same issues with my online classes, most of them have these weekly discussion board things, it’s not really that difficult, just thoughts, opinions, that sort of thing to supplement the fact that we can’t have any actual in class discussion, you have to make a post and reply to another, and like half of it looks like it was copy pasted straight from an LLM

As a college student yeah I fucking hate the lazy fucks at this point half my time in group assignments is spent editing the obvious Ai abuse done by people that can’t even do a presentation without reading their presentation

And everyone clapped.

Hand writing my assignments would take so much more time then typing

At this point I physically could not handwrotr a paper.

I have been typing, almost exclusively for 20 years and have written more than a million words on a keyboard.

Give me a computer that is just a word processor and I will write a paper.

As someone with dyslexia that relies on spellcheck to get thru life this fills me with anxiety

I hate chat gpt but I’m not lying, handwritten assignments sounds like hell. I am constantly switching around, what points I want where and restructuring paragraphs. I also have the worst handwriting. Ai is why we can’t have nice things. (Ai is not a nice thing, easily editable text is a nice thing)

As someone who is left handed and has abysmal handwriting, fuck hand written shit. It takes 10 times as long, hurts my hand, mistakes can’t be fixed without looking incredibly messy and is a giant waste of paper.

I am so glad I graduated in an era before this nonsense. As frustrating as it is for so many students to be using AI, I would imagine it’s far more frustrating to complete an assignment legitimately and be accused of using AI just because some shitty tool on the internet says your paper is 99% AI or something.

r/that Happened

It’s so obvious. If I were a teacher I would have adapted by now. Written assignments, maybe even during class time. Discussions. And what I’ve thought of: actually having to explain and talk about what you’ve written. If you’d actually written it, it should be easy

Egregiously giving out assignments get in the way of learning. Never let your education get in the way of learning. There is zero reason to be in class every day, nor is there to have weekly assignments. All this does is make people spend time learning how to do school work, not how to take part in the real world. I don’t think anyone should be using chatgbt for assignments, but I don’t blame someone who just want to learn for doing it.

I think a reasonable compromise would be allowing the work to be typed on a disconnected laptop and printed locally. I spent my entire school career hating handwritten assignments because my hand would cramp and I always got penalised for bad handwriting. I’m not willing to turn my back on those ideals.

this is obviously false because no one in college cares enough about class discussion to ask for that

That’s interesting. When I was a student, we just skipped the online discussions.

Multiple people in my family are educators. In person, hand written made a comeback in their classrooms long ago.

This has been happening for a while now. I TA’d a programming class a few years ago, and I swear to god some kids would come to my office hours and say “my code isn’t working”, and when I ask about specifics of their program, like “what is this line of code doing”, they say “idk a website generated this for me”.

Like brother I will walk you through this assignment line by line if you need me to, but you have no idea how disrespectful it is to waltz in here and think I’ll just magically make some code that you had AI generated work.

I don’t even think ChatGPT is a bad tool for programming, but it’s also vital to be familiar with what it’s generating, and understand the fundamentals behind the code being generated. And the only way to understand those fundamentals, is to WRITE THE PROGRAMS YOURSELF WHILE YOU’RE IN SCHOOL.

the amount of people that were using chatgpt in my english 102 class was WILD. the essays would have NOTHING to do with the reading and one of them still had prompt copied along with the output.

They will still use AI, they’ll just copy it and handwrite it!

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