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Iā€™m glad he made an ass of himself on a national stage.

Smart thinking. You canā€™t block a field goal that was never kicked.

You have to fire flus after this. Gross mismanagement

Why donā€™t we just give one of our 3 second half timeouts to the other team. We donā€™t need all 3 apparently.

He refuses to use a timeout

Iā€™m so confused rn. Wtf just happened

I sincerely wish him the driest Thanksgiving turkey

Piece of shit coach

I’m unable to process this

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Why didn’t they call a timeout


Amazing how we fuck this up.

Heā€™s so bad itā€™s insane šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Fire him. What could really be worse?

Poles… Get a backbone. Fire him. Don’t listen to the owners. Your job is on the line anyway, just fire him.

If that motherfucker has a job on Mondayā€¦ā€¦

Disgusting to not call a TO!!!

Keeping him is soooooooooo much worse than anything Pace, Emery, or Angelo have done

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Bears locker room right now


Is he aware of the ability to take a time out? Does he think they roll over to the next game? Does he think he can save them all for after the offseason when they try to fire him?

Fire him into the sun right fucking now

Dont even let him into the locker room. Fire his ass in the tunnel. What an embarrassment. How can you mis manage a game that bad. What kind of Oline block was on that sack? They literally let two edge rushes free run at Williams.

Every week it’s some different way to lose. Time management anyone?

you guys get a better draft pick, Caleb looks good, and flus gets fired. Great ThanksgivingĀ 

i will never spend money on bears thing until he is fired

Somehow he ALWAYS finds a way to misfuckingmanage every single game. Get his ass outta here


Fire him before he gets on the plane!!

I take solace in the chance this team had to win, despite the awful game management.

Inventing new ways to lose, every week.

How the FUCK is Romo putting this game on Caleb?

The HC needs to realize if time is running out that a timeout needs to be called.

Fire em

Happy thanksgiving.

Iā€™m thankful for nothing today.

Un fucking real

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