ASTRO BOT wins GAME OF THE YEAR at The Game Awards 2024

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It’s an amazing game. That’s it. Made me feel like a kid again. I’m glad it won

Literally just Skylanders with different textures, my word.

Didnt even know this game existed. It must be pure gold.

I keep pretty well up to speed in the gaming sphere, yet I’ve literally never heard of this game… Am I that far out of the loop all of a sudden??

Literally the only one that I didn’t think deserved it. The only one that didn’t deserve a nomination. What a sham.

Glad it won I guess but so few people have a PS5 that this feels weird.

So generic…

I was really surprised that Wukong didnt win , after all the hype it generated and with a ton of people playing ( way more than a lot multiplayer games get ) and even winning player’s choice over the genshin brothers

Cant say atrobot deserved it but it is what it is

In good faith, can someone explain what is so good about Astro bot? Like genuinely in good faith, I didn’t even played the other nominees but was sure this was the least likely to win, I played it for a few hours but kinda got bored and from what I saw I don’t think it was going to be much better, I liked the controller interaction finally being used but controller gimmicks has always been a tertiary detail to me, it’s neat but nothing too insane to me, minigames and puzzles were also fine, it felt great and responsive too, but again, it just is, kinda basic? Like I prefer a solid but simple experience over a “creative” and clunky mess but was the other nominees really not above this?

I’m guessing Shadow of the Erdtree was nominated to make people talk about the Game Awards and was never intended to win anyway, smart move from Geoff tbh. Again, not saying SotE was actually better as I didn’t finished Astro bot, but it just felt like playing Super Mario 64, nothing wrong with that inherently but you would think standards would have changed by now. Maybe it’s just not my cup of tea but I would appreciate a more in depth response from someone who actually played it.

No game that’s exclusive should ever win GOTY imo.

It’s my favorite game that came out last year. Made me feel like a kid again.

Wait what? really? rigged

bought by sony.

no way this shit is goty

Is amazing how Sony gets goty for Astrobot and on the same year releases Concord

This won GOTY? Yeah totally bought the award.

A game that can’t played in most countries, amazing stuff.

As long as it wasn’t the dlc

idk i think the silly card game deserves it more

Darn, was hoping Balatro could win. Would’ve been great for a indie dev to beat all the AAA studios.


Monkey game was great but little robot game was greater 🗿

Now release it on pc!!

Well deserved. Exceptionally fun and thoughtful game. Great slate of nominees.

Nobody here understands why this game won GOTY.

Did anyone realize that whenever you got the special cameo bots in Astro Bot that none of them actually say what game they come from?

That’s because if you actually played the games they referenced, you’d remember the exact moment you beat any of those games and fell in love with gaming in the first place.

This isn’t just some huge advertisement game, this game screams genuine passion from anyone who’s played it.

Also, I’m hype for Okami sequel and Onimusha

Is this the free game with the ps5?

extremely deserved

Well regarded.

Never played it.

I completely respect the opinion of people who say that AstroBot doesn’t deserve GOTY. I get it. It is my second favorite GOTY. Sparking Zero takes the cake for me.

SparkingZero is higher bc it is like a game I played when I was a kid.

Astro Bot reminds me of how I felt like when I used to play games as a kid.

This isn’t an easy game to understand that why it is so good by just watching it. You may or may not like it. But once you play it, it is one of the best and most fun, joyful experiences you’ll ever have. This game is the definition of joy and I am so happy it won.

I was personally rooting for FF7 Rebirth to win but this game is so damn good. One of the better 3D platformers I’ve played in quite awhile. Congrats to everyone who helped create this game.

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