At age 95, Jimmy Carter fell at home requiring 14 stitches. Despite his injuries, he showed up the next day, to help build houses for the Habitat for Humanity.

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This is how he made it to 100!

The US fumbled hard with this guy when he was president. The man full on called out the bs and tanked his political career all in order to actually help and people just straight up voted for the actor who lied to their faces and said everything was fine.

If the US had only done one of the things he suggested like invest in solar or just kept the panels on the White House things would be so different now. Not saying things would guaranteed be perfect but the man had the right idea about making reasonable long term investment into the country instead of the constant short sighted stuff that plays well on the news and in a politician advert.

He was one of the few politicians who really led by example.

One of the true good human beings that somehow ended up in the dirty business of politics. He wasn’t cut out for that; only the dishonest survive in that world.

Fuckin Terminator and shit lol

I wish i had the same health as him in that age

“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.”

The last decent human that happened to be president. Reagan destroyed this country.

guy’s a machine.

That guy was the real deal. Whether or not you agree with his politics, you must admit that the man really cared and really did do what he believed was right. He was ridiculed for it, naturally. Dude was a class act.

Looks like a stiletto titanium framing hammer he’s got there. I have the same one.

He just never quit. Absolutely incredible man we have lost.

The reason he lived to 100 is because of how he lived.

He was probably our last president that was actually a good man, and truly cared for the American people. We lost an amazing man, R.I.P.

IT is amazing that he lived all the way to 100 years old. RIP Jimmy

Character, class, hard work, humility. The president elect lacks all four. I can’t imagine a scenario where ole Donald would help build homes for those in need. Instead he would put them down.

When my buddies get rambling about pederast global Illuminati bilderburg elites running the world I call bullshit because there is no way Carter would have been elected if that was true. A truly decent human being.

Yeah that guy was solid .

Don’t post this to the conspiracy sub they’ll have you believe he’s part of the “left black eye club” and in the illuminati.

And Donald Trump raped a woman named E Jean Carrol and got away with it. Started a coup for the White House land got away with it.

We elected a fucking pedophile to office named Donald Trump after having Jimmy Fucking Carter as President?!!

Everyone who voted for trump is a chud.

*Habitat* is a good charity, if you want to give your time, and not your money. They’re always up for volunteers, they don’t need you to be skilled, and it’s worthwhile.

They like money too, of course. But most charities only want money, and they’ll happily take some labor.

Hi Jimmy welcome back- here’s a broom

Good for Jimmy. So proud of that guy. When I called and left a message at the local HFM office three times a few years ago to volunteer, they never called back. No problem.

He was a good man and one that Trump could learn more than just decency from.

What an amazing dude. 100 years of living to the fullest. Rest in peace.

His frail grab of the piece of wood gives me a slight suspicion that he was helping mainly in spunking up the spirit by showing up!


He was not a good president but an awesome human being.

Hardest photo of Jimmy Carter I’ve ever seen

Gosh, we didn’t deserve him 🙁

That’s a real American right there 🇺🇸

**The best of us**

Surprised he’d return to work with all those cyborg enhancements not being grafted over with fake skin.

Bless his heart, but that’s some serious Emperor Palpatine vibes going on right there.

What a guy

Good man, terrible president.

Somehow I doubht he was helping that much

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