At the US Embassy

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Im around the corner gonna go see if its real or not

Step 1 of making marmalade: chop orange skin into strips

Nice Banksy hat tip

London, I am missing you even more today. I should have never left 😭

Thanks to whoever did this from an American.

That might be a Banksy

Oh sweet jebus, let it be real…

I’m an American who voted against him three times (and had him ruin my birthday in November twice). I know I’m privileged, but I always feel grateful that I’m here now and relieved that I will be getting citizenship this year. I’m just so terrified for my friends and family stuck in the US. I just burst into tears a little bit ago when I read about Harris leaving DC, thinking of what could have been and what will be. It’s nice to see this kind of statement being made here.

I love this.

He really does look like he has buttholes for eyes.

We’re so sorry that half of us voted for that POS.

Signed, Sane Americans

Believe it or not, this is how cheetos are made




perfect! thank you!

How does a sober person look so much like an alcoholic?

Walked past an LED moving screen thingy near my home yesterday from LBC read that the US government insists Trump is not far-right. Audibly said “oh fuck off” and continued walking

Tangerine Tyrant can get effed.

me: “please be a bansky, please be a banksy…!”

This is so creative, well done. Londoners hate this guy! Londoners protested whenever this twat came to visit London during his first term, this time will be no different.

I bet it’s oddly worth much more now to everyone’s surprise

That’s because a more sinister one is going up in its place 👿

No,that’s at a bus stop.

To our cousins across the pond: You guys are EPIC!!

Old photo for Trump’s admin, might as well. In with the new!comment image

comment image?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=799cb4b0e679f62422bfdc9c098c4c858fc1aaa5

Hoping it’s not going to be replaced with the new portrait… 🤮🤮🤮🤮


God I loathe Donald Trump.

It’s funny that the British think that Americans give a single fuck about their opinions.

Nobody cares about your opinion UK.

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