Aubrey Plaza’s Husband, Writer and Director Jeff Baena, Dies by Suicide at 47: Report

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My Old Ass Spoilers:

>!Very heartbreaking when you think about how she just made a movie about struggling to process the death of her partner at her age, especially a death that she couldnโ€™t prevent!<

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If you’re in the US and need someone to talk to, here are some warm lines that do not call the police.

I cannot imagine what she’s going through. They’ve been together since 2011.

Deepest condolences to her.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please don’t think you are alone. Resources:

No one should have to be a widow at that age. My heart goes out to her and I hope she has a good support system to help her through this.

Thatโ€™s absolutely horrible. Iโ€™m her age and I canโ€™t imagine being a widow. Also Iโ€™m projecting but I grew up with a suicidal mother and it messed me up. Canโ€™t imagine losing my husband by suicide.

My heart goes out to her.

Jeff was the most brilliant, funny, weird, creative, passionate human. Even when we were kids, you knew that he was going to put his vision into the universe โ€” he was uncompromisingly himself and unique always, and I canโ€™t fucking believe heโ€™s gone.

Aw, geeze. These stories make me so sad. I was widowded at 31 and it fucking sucks donkey balls. I’ll keep thinking about how I know what she’s feeling like today, and then next week and then at the stupid fucking funeral. The shock and disbelief.

Unfortunately, I know exactly what sheโ€™s going through. I went through it 2.5 years ago at 28 and our son was 5. Nothing I could describe will capture the pain. I know sheโ€™ll never be the same again – Iโ€™m not.

You really never know what someone is going through. On paper it seemed like he lived such a perfect life. He had a successful career in the creative arts, had several critically acclaimed movies under his belt and is married to a beautiful and beloved actress. My condolenses to his family. RIP Jeff.

I know thereโ€™s been speculation or rumours that theyโ€™ve split up for a while now but Iโ€™ve already seen people celebrating the fact sheโ€™s single or upset she wonโ€™t be at the golden globes and itโ€™s so bizarre seeing how little empathy some people have

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Current vandalism on his wikipedia page.

Oh my god how awful. My heart goes out to her and his loved ones.

Sending condolences to all. I know he worked frequently with Alison Brie and I think they had a big partnership, just want to mention her and send love. I think just noting him as someone’s husband takes away his personhood a bit. So, yeah love to all who knew him.

I have experienced a lot of sudden/tragic losses in my life, but suicide hits in an entirely different way. It devastates on so many different levels. It is hard to explain to people who have not been through losing someone that way. It isnโ€™t just losing the person, itโ€™s that constant questioning of โ€œmaybe if Iโ€™d done something different, theyโ€™d still be hereโ€ and then the heartbreak of thinking of what they must have been feeling and going through.ย 

I hope people give her the space, respect and privacy she needs while figuring out how to process this. I hope she has the support and help she needs to work through the complex emotions this is going to bring up.ย 

Oh my god. Being a widow so young is devastating. My heart goes out to her and his family and friends.

Oh fuck.

I wish I had something nicer to say, but I am so sorry for what she and everyone else who loves him is going through right now. Suicide is never caused by anything but the most profound suffering usually after several years of trying to control illness.

It is a painful way to die and a painful wreck to leave behind. As someone who suffers from often severe mental illness and depression, I understand it more than Iโ€™d like, and I am so sorry he felt that much pain. I am so sorry he left so much pain behind.

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From Dylan Gelula. ๐Ÿค

It’s sad that I feel like almost 24 hours before public reports started is a huge blessing. It should be the norm.

Oh gosh. This is just shocking.

How horrible. May his memory be a blessing to all who knew him and to Aubrey. Please reach out to 988 at any time if youโ€™re struggling.

As a fellow suicide widow, I donโ€™t wish this on anyone.

I commented on another post how heartbreaking this is. Of course, not to make this about me, but I found this news really triggering. My partner suffers from suicidal thoughts. Heโ€™s really trying to get through it as am I.

Thinking of Aubrey, truly awful news to read.
Iโ€™m also thinking of those who also suffer from these thoughts/tendencies or know someone who does.

I just watched her video on Ellen talking about their wedding- it was cute and hilarious. was so heartwarming and you could feel their love for each other:/ devastating

Horrible news. He was such a talented filmmaker

oh my fucking god, this hit me like a ton of bricks. she and I are almost the same age, and both weird Latina millennials, so I have always had an affinity for her. I was SO HAPPY she found her own brand of weird โ€” and this is a gut punch.

I recently separated from my husband because of his own struggles with mental illness. Please. Please. If anyone you know needs help, please stick by them and make sure they get the help they need.

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