Audrey Hepburn helped kill Nazis as a teenage member of the Dutch Resistance in 1943

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TIL Audrey Hepburn was Dutch. Wat leuk

“Don’t discount anything awful you hear or read about the Nazis. It’s worse than you could ever imagine.”

Hepburn on the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands

With her bare hands I heard.

She also helped raise awareness and money for childhood cancer, when it was still effectively a death sentence.

She was a member of the resistance but acted a messenger and helped in hospitals. She didn’t help kill Nazis and if she did, it was only in the loosest sense

No she didn’t.

Wasn’t her father Nazi himself?.. Her parents supported British Fascists in the 30s so…

Definition for exaggerate. verb as in overstate, embellish. Synonyms Antonyms. Strongest matches. amplify, distort, emphasize, fabricate, falsify, heighten, inflate, magnify, misrepresent, overdo, overdraw, overemphasize, overestimate

Teenage girls are, and have always been, fucking terrifying.

Lot of nazi’s are butthurt in the comments. Audrey would be so disappointed 😔

So how many Nazis died because of her secret ballet dancing concerts.
I am prepared to bow to your superior knowledge but she wielded a Pointe shoe not a M3 machine gun.
Maybe you can enlighten us on how many Germans fell to her obviously devastating Ninja fouette ?

Asking for a military historian friend 🧐

There’s a great episode of The Story Behind The Story with Mike Rowe about this

This sub is getting ridiculous now 💀

So hot.

Just to say everything isn’t so black and white ( as always, life is messy ). Her parents collected donations for the British Order of Fascists. Her mother met Adolf Hitler. Changed their minds after they actually lived with them.

I wonder what she did to help kill nazis. She doesn’t seem the fighting kind to me.

While you guys quibble over semantics, I’m just gonna drop this…
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reddit absolutely loathes acknowledging a woman did something cool.
all the “erm well achtually ☝️🤓” comments are so cringe

I think it’s worth noting that just about everyone who kills nazis is remembered as a hero.

But I heard her parents were literally jewish collaborators to the Nazis?

The irony of Americans fighting nazis with a segregated military

The Dutch resistance was badass. The museum in Amsterdam tells the story. Incredible balls. I love the Netherlands.

No she didn’t. Not every person in a black and white photo was “killing Nazis.” Same goes for your gam gam and gram gram. They weren’t heroes….they were just alive in a photo 85 years ago

Yes, of course she did. And Kobe Bryant was assassinated by the Clinton’s… (bullshit).


She carried messages for the Dutch Resistance she wasn’t gunning down Nazis. I’m not trying to downplay her role at all. She was only a kid and she did something that put her life on the line for a greater cause. I just find the title of this post more then a little ridiculous.

Having said all that I would pay to see Audrey go full Hugo Stiglitz on fucking Nazis in a new “alternative history” Tarantino movie.

Fun fact: “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” was Dutch resistance code for assassinating a Nazi.

*”Pieter, please invite the Oberführer to breakfast at Tiffany’s.”*

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The point being, if she was alive today, she would totally kick Elon in the nuts.

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