Austin has to learn the hard way.

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It’s okay. She ain’t the best.

Hey, good for him, at least he knows what time is it… She should help him find a girl at least.

Maybe heā€™s just an actual good friend, some men arenā€™t actually always chasing after sex.

Do people just not think that friends exist?

Girl logic

Yall really don’t just have friend of the opposite sex that you care about?
I’m reading a friend was feeling sad and needed cheering up.

LPT to all you young folks (especially dudes). Make friendship, strictly friendships with women. You will never get laid more. No one will hook up with you faster than a person who’s friend vouches for you.

Well you donā€™t know how this ended up. I remember someone who became a meme like this back in 2014 and got a date

Austin really went above and beyond food, bowling, and being a great friend. Someone needs to appreciate this legend!

Might also just be her brother.

He should have called her a stank ass ho & made her walk home from the waffle house. They would be on their 3rd custody case by now.

“you have a heart of Gold, don’t let them take It from you”

People really like to assume too much. If I treated my friend out and everyone assumed I wanted to hit I’d be offended. These kinds of assumptions being made by men are part of the reason we have such a hard time being friends with the opposite sex. His own gender is assuming the worst of him.

As for the supposed age difference that everyone’s saying, it’s not like that means anything on its own. Could be a younger co worker and they’re just friends. I met my sister in law that way. Became friends at work, introduced her to my brother who’s her age, rest is history.

The guy did nothing to suggest heā€™s interested in being anything other than a good friend. Yaā€™ll need to get off the internet and interact with people more.

Tbf, she did say he deserves the best and that clearly ainā€™t her.

I lived in the friendzone married for 18 years. Some of us never realize it until itā€™s way too late

Watch Austin be her brother and you all wanted him to try to hook up.

Damā€™ itā€™s 2010 out here ?

She is now 23 and he is 28. This makes it better, right?

A new citizen has entered Simpville

How is this the women’s fault?

Stooopid beach

ITT: Mysoginy

If he had just left a text message saying you deserve that, maybe 6 months from now, she probably would let him hit that.


If I remember correctly from one of the 10 previous times this was posted, Austin is her cousin. There are other screensh where her and her family clarify that point.

Austin could be her brother or cousin for all we know

Men: we have a loneliness epidemic!!
Also men: that man is friends with a woman who wonā€™t fuck him???? Wow what a loser press f for that dickhead!!!!



Some of yall need to start realizing that being just friends with a woman is normal and can actually increase your dating chances entirely irrespective of your urge to date said friend. Also ya know, don’t treat friendship like a step down from dating.

Austin ain’t sad, he’s smart. He found a way to engage in word of mouth marketing for a date.

Dude will be just fine I promise.



I’ll be the guy this time: If he ain’t tellin her his ibtentions, and acts as a friend, but wabts ti get ibti her drawers, then thats on him.

To prove a point: If you go out with a lad, watch a movie, eat sonething together and have a great time, ohky to find out he did all of that to fuck you ib the ass, not becayse he valued your friendship, then that sounds pretty weird to me tbh.

The city of austin?


According to other replies, Austin is her *older brother;* he’s not a friend-zoned guy-friend. (Plus, it’s an 8 or 9 y.o. repost)

the worst part is this chick looks like an 11 year old cartoon ant

Bro shoulda just told her ā€œIā€™m sorry, but Iā€™m already like a brother to somebody else.ā€

Moment of silence for all the people who think this is a “feel bad” story because having a genuine platonic relationship with a woman is so out of the realm of possibility for them.

He only needs to change his tactics. Takes her out, order a pitcher of beer then commence to ignoring her thot ass and trying to leave with the waitress. Then maybe she will want him.

Does Austin look like a bitch?

Ser Austin of House Friendzone

sounds like my kinda bestie, always there for the heartbreaks šŸ˜…

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