Babe Ruth posing with fans 1925. He was a popular figure in the African American community because of his willingness to treat them as he would white fans, along with rumors of him being biracial.

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and all he had to do was be respectful to be liked

I’ve also heard that they didn’t make him a coach when he retired because he would’ve hired black athletes.

They had a section about his support at the Negro League Museum in KC

Some lady gave it to him. She even signed her name on it. Ruth. Baby Ruth.

Too bad we’ll never know if he was biracial since everything was in black and white

Look at how they dress up for the game, wild.

He was a good man and an excellent player. He made stats on beer and hotdogs. Not HGH and steroids.

It’s so odd that in the past, there were so few people that respected other races, that today we look back on them and they are highly regarded just for being a decent person.

That is highly commendable, to be decent. But it shouldn’t be that way. Decent people should be so common place that they don’t stick out at all.

You can tell by the mustache on the right that this was before the time a certain German ruined this style forever.

It’s never mentioned that Ty Cobb would do this, cause of that stupid book and movie.


It’s wonderful to see how he has united people of different races and cultures around the love of baseball!

He was very popular due to not being a piece of shit.

Babe Ruth spoke German as a boy and all of his grandparents came from Germany. 

it’s amazing how babe ruth was a figure who broke boundaries like that, especially in a time when segregation was still so prevalent.

Quick baseball trivia question: what was Babe Ruth’s childhood nickname?

Damn Dave Chappelle was there, nice hat

Cool, but hardly amazing

Is there at least a pic of them not behind a fence?

One of my favorite Babe Ruth facts is that the first major league baseball game he attended was one he played in.

Obviously biracial from this picture

My grandfather got to see Ruth play when ball ayers did barnstorming tours

Is that Duke Dennis?

really cool to see how babe ruth connected with fans, regardless of race. makes his legacy even more meaningful

Also he was an orphan.

Biracial or not, he’s probably just being a good human being. As we all should.

this is such an interesting piece of history. the rumors about his background add a whole other layer to his story.

Babe Ruth is Dominican 🇩🇴 so he’s Black. That’s why Babe is so respectful

A real man of character. To do the right thing when it is denounced requires great strength.

love seeing these moments in history that highlight inclusivity. babe ruth definitely stood out in more ways than one.

I really think he was at least half and half

I can’t imagine how trapped and utterly helpless the African Americans would have felt during those days

That’s interesting I didn’t know that about the Babe

Ego couldn’t handle Jackie Mitchell though.

Somewhere Ty Cobb is still angry about this

Them old folks loved The Babe conjured upany ascence with the old folks watching Babe bat

Everyone was so well dressed back then it seems

I can’t believe sports personalities would be so political /j

Look at his doppelgänger upper right

El Babè is Dominican

Babe Ruth had a sh@@ childhood. I think it shaped him more than we know.

If you are a reader, Babe Ruth, An Inspiring Story of One of Baseballs Greatest Legends by Clayton Geoffrey is a good read.

I’ve seen this exact post with this exact caption like 15 times on Reddit

Based Ruth

Certainly built different to what modern athletes are like. But it got the job done

Dude behind him is clearly trying to tell us something lol

Things like this are a really big deal. It’s one thing to say you support something and fly their flag or whatever, but actually putting yourself out there matters. I read a story about Sinatra demanding equal treatment for the black people he was working with in Vegas and if they didn’t, he wouldn’t go on. I don’t remember the exact details because my memory sucks, but that’s the idea. It might have been Sammy Davis jr. It must have been kind of crazy to be a black person or minority and have someone like that stand up for you. It’s called a white savior these days.

That is how it should be

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