Babies, But How?

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He doesn’t want ALL babies.

Just conservative, rich, white babies.

Talk is cheap. If he really cared, he’d back policies that actually help families, not just make speeches.

Let’s be clear though. He wants more WHITE babies, preferably born into Christian families.

No no you’re supposed to ✨suffer✨

Because it’s not parenthood otherwise!!! Living hand to mouth while raising a child is just ✨character building ✨

Cause he’s a social climber who hopes his boss chokes on a big Mac so he can be president and fuck a nicer couch.

This is just him advocating for rape culture. At the most he sees the poors, which to him is everyone beneath him economically, as slave factories producing workers and consumers for his elitist clan.

I think he’s thinking more along the lines of outlawing birth control.

You can’t make babies fucking a couch.

They want babies but once they’re born they abandon them completely.

4 years or more of this

All conservatives care for when it comes to kids is women getting pregnant and carrying to term. They don’t give a rats ass about the baby once it’s born.

He wants more babies so his fellow GOP have more options in the future. After all, the children they sleep with now will eventually be too old for their tastes.

Oh no we mean by waging culture war on gay people until the gay had been successfully prayed away.

Republicans are goose stepping liars.

I love how they are all, ‘you need to have more babies! We need more babies!!’ (Because we will have a massive dip in labour)
Ok then make it so we can actually afford to have children and not struggling.
Them, ‘…….. you need to have more babies!!!!’

He does, he just wants poor uneducated peasants.

How about the risk of your baby being blown away by a psycho wielding an AR? That’s certainly been a deterrent for many.

He wants minimum wage workers. They won’t need education or healthcare, and he wants them to be easily replaceable.

My partner and I have just watched all of “The handmaid’s tale” and I cannot believe how much their rhetoric sounds like Giliad. And Nazis.

He wants babies as in numbers. It’s about quantity not quality. Like how you see the next generation as cannon fodder.

More cattle for the lords

This speech shows that he doesn’t see common people as people just slave’s birthday more slaves

Trump raised my taxes… making it harder for me to make another.

And the price of eggs….

delusional idiot

Even by their own game plan things aren’t going to get cheaper. The plan is to force domestic production by making everything super expensive via tariffs, if that even works it’s going to take like 10 years of getting WORSE before it gets better, and in that time I would expect the birth rate to drop even further.

Breeding Fetish

every time I have this conversation with MAGA types about supporting families, they always say the same thing. They try so GODDAMN HARD to not say educational funding, parental leave, universal healthcare, and other things. What they say is charity.

Who is help the single and struggling mothers? Christian Crisis pregnancy centers. Who will help people with disabilities? specific disabilities charities. A thing where privilege entitled white people can donate $5 to and declare that they did their part to help society.

And don’t you FUCKING DARE say that these charities aren’t enough. Because what else can be done? Why should they give more money to the poor and the needing when their donations to charities should be enough? Because these people need to justify their worldview / political views. They can’t be wrong here, that would mean the democrats/liberals were right the whole time. Can’t have that. Otherwise, they would have to give up more money and lose the chance of becoming billionaires one day

More kids that are born poor so they either feed the war machine ( military) or get stuck in low end jobs.

You actually want people to have kids offer leave education and opportunities.

You also want to fix the economy because a lot of people simply cannot afford kids.

Just outlaw abortion and make it harder for women to leave abusive marriages! Much easier than fixing the economy.

How about not killing them chicken shit gun lovers


His “daddy” disagrees

We want more babies to be born. After they’re born sounds like a “you” problem.

No no you see thats the plan… by forcing women back into the homes/kitchens so they can be the proper “birthing pods” they always refer to them as. Anyways, he has a new white bonnet and red cloak for y’all to wear btw.

Babies by banning abortion, banning IVF, banning birth control, banning regulations, banning LGBTQ, banning trans, banning schools, banning Healthcare….


You don’t think it will work??? Republicans are geniuses!!!!!!

Kamala Harris literally campaigned on a plan to make having kids more affordable

I would totally have a 3rd child…if I could afford it.

From an outsider it always looks like that repubilcans only give a crap while the baby is in the womb not no shits given when its born.

Is that so?

He also wants cannon fodder for the war they are brewing up rn. First they destabilize nato by taking Greenland then Putin takes all of Europe and trump gets North America.

….yeah, those programs benefit ALL babies. He just wants to benefit babies of a certain heritage.

Odd, considering his children are half Indian. He may make an exception for them but MAGA won’t

WFH too

Don’t mind me, I’m just watching the upvotes grow by the millisecond

The sad thing, I give it a year or so before republicans start saying all of these concepts are actually good ideas, and start pushing for them, and suddenly claiming victory. It happens quite often that democrats push for things, Republicans fight it, and then when they’re in power they push through the exact things we wanted.

Just keep squirting out those babies! We billionaires can’t survive without you! It’s your duty to supply us with wage slaves so we can buy our 25th vacation home!

He could get to fucking but i bet he cant get any either

He wants more serfs. More slaves.

Then he should have a lot more children.

Leonard is 100% correct. If Trump ordered his cult in congress to pass such legislation, people would be more than happy to have more babies. Make it affordable and we’ll fuck a lot

When Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), was asked about the Alabama IVF fiasco he said, “Anything we can do for the future of our young people [**because they’re our #1 commodity.**]( We need to have more kids.” That sentence was ignored. No reporter asked him to clarify, no one called him on it.

COMMODITY. As in “a raw material or primary agricultural **product that can be bought and sold…**” That’s the value they put on children. I wish his comment had gotten more scrutiny. They put no value on children past what they can be used for. That’s the godly America they’re trying to force.

And if this was true he would also support IVF and even insist that insurance is required to offer IVF.

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