Back in 2000, Kevin Hines jumped off the golden gate bridge due mental illnesses. He miraculous survived because a sea lion was bumping him up and kept his head above water. Now he is a suicide prevention speaker.

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The sea lion is the real one for starting this cycle

And the sea lion gets no recognition. Typical.

What happened to seal lion?
Does he meet its family regularly?

Hey man, you better go see that sea lion every thanksgiving.

That sea lion should be motivational speaker too, though

Turned his pain into purpose… Letโ€™s not forget the sea lion, without it, this story wouldโ€™ve been so different.

I think I saw his story on a documentary about the bridge. He said the second that he let go of the railing he regretted his decision to jump off the bridge. I can imagine this is a feeling that was felt by many who didn’t survive.


Thatโ€™s beautiful! Given my proclivities, Iโ€™d turn into a sea lion life protection activist and dedicate my life to campaigning for clean oceans.

Iโ€™m the type to read too much into coincidences as interventionโ€ฆ

Sea Lion was clearly a Pokรฉmon

Holy shit. He also needs to dedicate some of his time to sea lions…like, surely??

Had the pleasure of hearing him speak a few years back. He talked about walking the bridge that day to the spot he was planning to jump from and telling himself that if ONE PERSON would just look at him and smile he would turn around and go home. He desperately was looking for anything around him to keep him off the ledge.

Be kind to each other, you never know what the other person is going through and even a small act of kindness could make a difference.

I freaking love pinnipeds!!


I rescued sea lions and seals for many years. I have scars from them all over. The fact that a wild sea lion decided to help this man is crazy


That sea lion should be giving talks as well. I’m already inspired and I haven’t even seen it.

Read an article once that I wish I could find and share where they tracked down and interviewed people who survived intentional jumps. Every single one of them said their immediate reaction after they stepped off the edge was 100% regret they had done it. Sad to think thatโ€™s probably the thought of those who donโ€™t make it as well.

This gives me chills every time I read about it. From tragedy to hopeโ€”all thanks to a sea lion. Itโ€™s stories like this that remind me life is wild, unpredictable, and sometimes beautiful.

I literally just watched his interview for LADbible on YouTube a few minutes ago when I was at work. Just get home and open Reddit to see this

I thought jumping from that height was like hitting concrete

How did he survive hitting the water though? Water is like concrete from that height.

One of my favorite guys. I highly recommend hearing him speak in person, if you have a chance!

If you watch [The Bridge (2006)]( a good portion of it has Kevin recapping the day moment by moment. Just prior to impacting the water he adjusted his trajectory to go into the water to pull his arms and legs inward to avoid a fatal impact. He still shattered three of his vertebrae but miraculously survived.

The film did bring to light how the Golden Gate Bridge is a target destination for those wishing to take their own life. In 2018 construction started and completed earlier this year to install protective netting for those attempting to jump. Signs are also in place on the bridge with phone numbers for suicide hotlines.

He is interviewed in the documentary The Bridge.




And thatโ€™s how he became the driving crooner!!

I hope this guy lives a long healthy life!
He got a second chance a lot of people don’t get ๐Ÿ™

Sometimes you have to die first to want to really live

Always reminds me of that guy who jumped off the bridge twice. Paul Alarab

If he was unconscious how did he know it was a Sean lion


What he doesn’t tell you is that the sea lion witnessed 1000 deaths before deciding to do something about it.

“I didn’t get to end this existence early, so you don’t get to either”

I saw him speak a few years ago. Very moving stuff. Great reminder on what to be thankful for, especially around the holidays ๐Ÿ™‚

Sea Lion be like “not today, human. Not today.”

There’s no better view from that of halfway down

The fact that he even managed to survive the fall at all is incredible.

I would open a suicide prevention hotline for sea lions ๐Ÿฆญ. โ€œArf Arfโ€

We love you bro

That is a title.

He spoke at my school in Clinton Arkansas

Hopefully this will inspire people to learn from the angel sea lion and help animals in need no matter the situation ๐Ÿ™

I thought the impact wouldโ€™ve killed him?

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