Bait and switch remote work

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Lol they accept the role bc they already turned down the other actual remote roles. This one is truly just evil

It’s not deception, it’s strategy. A strategy of deception

It’s so genius, he’s posted it on linked in so potential candidates can see it in advance. Super

“I manipulate and exploit people to trap them”

My brother in Christ, that’s just domestic abuse with extra steps.

If I were the hiring manager and found out this happened, I would get the recruiter fired. This is so damn wrong and counter to any work culture I have built, promoted and managed.

Please please tell me this is sarcasm or parody.

Destroy your personal and company reputations with this one simple trick! 

What a colossal colostomy bag.

Lies build teams

He was named on another post. Lets hope he is having the day he deserves.

I’m convinced this is bait. Remote employees aren’t near enough to an office to be there. I’m 350 miles away from the nearest office for my company.

Fraudulent hiring strategy

He must not have any mirrors in the house, cause I wouldn’t be able to look at myself if I was doing this to candidates.

Absolutely fucking unhinged.

“I sold them a house… when they move in I then tell them I’m the landlord. They still pay me because they have no other option their live savings have been depleted but it’s a win win. Agree?”

Excellent work publishing the name.

“It’s not lying, it’s a strategy.” Nope, I’m pretty sure it’s lying my guy.

That is the literal definition of “lying.”

Building a winning team that won’t care to leave because you started off showing how bad the company culture is. Maybe they’re there for a year or two, but they won’t remain long term. 🤦‍♂️

This literally just happened to me. Plot twist: I turned them down. Fuck that noise

If this isn’t satire i guarantee some of his employees are scanning r/unethicallifehacks and other subs for malicious but righteous vengeance.

“It’s not deception.”

Committing deception and then saying it’s not deception does not change the fact that it’s deception.

I would love to see a candidate sue them for damages. Imagine if someone moved to a LCOL location for the remote job and later finds out that it’s actually onsite at another location. I would be livid if a recruiter pulled this to me

This also happens with jobs advertised as remote, non-phone, non-customer facing; i.e. idyllic. Once the applicant gets lured in by the appealing situation, it’s revealed that the opening in question was just filled – BUT a new position opened up for which the applicant would be *perfect*! Everything’s the same, except that it’s eight hours of back to back calls! Are you interested?

I’ve never wished harm on someone but if the karma bus comes around the corner and he’s not looking both ways, that’s on him…

What a douche. Lying to your employees before they even start. Yeah! That’s the way to retain top tier employees

This guy is going to be stabbed 26 times – some left handed some right handed – and there won’t be any witnesses. 

Starting off with a disgruntled worker and lost trust, day one.

Quite the “strategy” 

Lying FTW

Great culture we’ve got going here. At least we’re not lying about lying anymore?

And how long do they last? Sure the may stay for the time being but they’ll just find a role that didn’t lie to them about being remote

“it’s not lying its strategy”. No drew, it is lying.

If it was me, I’d accept it then not show up and tell Drew that I wasn’t lying but using strategy.

“I tell candidates I want to interview them for a sales job. They accept. Then, when they show up, they find a room packed with other candidates and me giving them an MLM presentation. That’s not deception, it’s strategy”

Corporate dishonesty out the gate? Sweet! They’ve shown you they don’t respect you enough to be straight with you. The job search continues and you get to drag the company’s dumb ass online for it.

Just tell the truth, goddamnit.

“It’s not lying”

No, it literally is lying.

It’s not deception is it’s strategy… says the deceiver

Yall. It’s not fucking real.

Thats unethical recruiting practices and he should be fired.

READ YOUR CONTRACT! Ask for it to be specified in the contract that it is a remote work position.

Genious level satire

This is also potentially illegal in some states.

That’s call fraud and it’s legally actionable.


The best LinkedIn tool is this guy.

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