Barbara wasnt playin around

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Damn Barb! She’s not having any of your bullshit. This a lesson yall, be a Barbara.

Barbara takes no prisoners.

Absolute barbarian

Barb will fuck your whole family in front of you, rob your ass, and then tickle you for humor

Barbara goes for the throat. Respect.

Barb just casually throwing around the flaming heat

Good ole Barb bout that life.

They called her Both Barrels Barbara.

Lol her profile pic 😭😭😭

Barb Wire, no joke, Santa Barbara ain’t shit .

Every time I see this I will stop, read, and laugh hysterically. Don’t come at Barb unless you are ready to get body slammed.

Is a Barbara the opposite of a Karen

DAMN! 👏🏽. Woman wielding a verbal machete.

Holy moly that escalated quickly 

In a world of Karen’s, be a fucking Barbara.

We must make sure this woman makes it to 100.

Holy hell Barbara is a badass

Cot damn Babara 😂😂😂

Lashana got destroyed.


Barbara is a savage!


Her face even has this “Try Me” look 🤣

Barbara is about that life.

on top of all that, barbara left “your” on the table. class.

Barbara ain’t fucking around

Get her Barbara

Karen vs barbara.

Someone notify the burn unit.

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