well they achieved something, making my nights sleepless!
2 months ago
Then dog owners have the cheek to moan about fireworks.

2 months ago

That dog:
2 months ago
More often then not, dogs that do that are probably suffering from a type of zoochosis, just trying to stimulate themselves in an environment with little of it. Its not like they can read or possess the brain capacity for deep thought, so they sing the song of their people, lost in a world they don’t understand.
2 months ago
you’re talking about him aren’t you? its not the product its the marketing
2 months ago
I’ve often wondered if dog owners that let their dogs bark at all hours can be reported for neglecting their dogs. The most common reason for excessive barking is that the dog is just bored out of its skull and needs to be doing *something*. Someone in my apartment building has a dog that spends most of its time outside on a chain, barking at its own echo because they never take the time to exercise it or provide any enrichment beyond throwing it outside for hours at a time.
For absolutely nothing I hate it 😂
well they achieved something, making my nights sleepless!
Then dog owners have the cheek to moan about fireworks.

That dog:
More often then not, dogs that do that are probably suffering from a type of zoochosis, just trying to stimulate themselves in an environment with little of it. Its not like they can read or possess the brain capacity for deep thought, so they sing the song of their people, lost in a world they don’t understand.
you’re talking about him aren’t you? its not the product its the marketing
I’ve often wondered if dog owners that let their dogs bark at all hours can be reported for neglecting their dogs. The most common reason for excessive barking is that the dog is just bored out of its skull and needs to be doing *something*. Someone in my apartment building has a dog that spends most of its time outside on a chain, barking at its own echo because they never take the time to exercise it or provide any enrichment beyond throwing it outside for hours at a time.