Based on a real conversation I had with my friends.

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pic or not true

*provides source*

*redditor somehow deduced identity from pic*

*OP is doxxed and labeled a pedo pervert*

*OP loses job and credibility in real life*

*redditor licks cheeto stained fingers in triumph of ruining another life*

sorry i have 3 inches you cannot ask about the source ๐Ÿ˜‚

Yeah, whip it out. Prove it or no balls, bro

I went up to do standup for 5 minutes for the first time and one of the people I invited felt the need to point out that my joke about โ€œI am tall, but I have a normal size penis, which is a little disappointing.โ€ Is not believable and that she thinks I actually have a small penis.

My GIRLFRIEND told her โ€œno itโ€™s a normal size.โ€ And she still went on about how, not just I, but me AND my girlfriend were LYING about my penis not being as big as I think it ought to be because Iโ€™m 6โ€™7

People are so fucking baked into the internet that they forget how to be people even outside of the internet I swear

Joe mama?

I have been waiting for someone to demand one for years.

with how the internet and AI is going I will not be surprised by then we need source on every single thing online

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