Batman cover showing the villain Penguin when flipped

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Or based on the text: it’s a Penguin cover showing Batman when flipped. 😉

They’re kissing

Super creative


That’s crazy cool

This is actually good 👍

Gru and Batman

Bonnus points for the spider kisssssssssss…. no need to take off part of the mask.

It even look very natural. How did they do it?

Now kith.

The Robin vs Minions subplot was gold though.

Thank God it said the word ‘Flipped’.

Alternatively: It is Batman and Penguin doing the spiderman kiss.

Or based on the text: it’s a Penguin cover showing Batman when flipped. 😉

I thought the Penguin used a top hat

Now kith

It’s like the Mad Dog lid..


If you think about it they are kissing

It’s like that upside down kiss in Spider-Man.

Thats Nosferatu

Holy Design Porn, Batman!

It looks like Gru, from Despicable me

My ex had a wall decoration meant to look like [ballerina slippers]comment image) but all I could see was Batman and Penguin.

They’re doing the Spiderman Kiss

What is going on with penguin’s lap though? 👀

Guys plz help me see penguin

Looking good, thoughtful design doesn’t need to be complex to be powerful.

Why do I see gru?

Well, all I see is batman…..anyone else?

And theyre kissing!!!

Holy shit.

Spider-Man kiss

I legit don’t see it

bad apple

Harvey Birdman?

And here’s me looking at the upside-down batman and thinking, “That looks nothing like the penguin.”

He looks like he’s plotting to steal the moon

I love the Penguin’s little pointy boner! Such amazing attention to detail, nice job!!!

So they are kissing 😘

The first version isn’t the best to be honest, it’s very difficult to see the penguin, I spent 3 years looking

Their lips are touching.

No that’s Man


I cannot see the penguin no matter how hard I try

Spiderman kiss.

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