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Epic Rap Battles of History: mom vs dad

If only there was a way to relieve the tension of that particular scene.
The ever reliable comedic relief character:


intrusive thoughts won this round.

Mood destroyed. Mission accomplished. You achieve ” Family saviour”.

I mean, that’s a good way to get them to stop fighting.

When your parents have mad flow.

they were actually just boxing and his dad won

Rap battling? Does this mean they are really good or really bad in bed?

Cringe fuck this post made me physically cringeย 

Knowing that subreddit, there’s a high likelihood that the post was made by a 40 year old man that has no idea what’s hip these days

I thought the fucks were the beatboxes he was beatboxing with fucks

Unironically this would probably help their relationship (provided they are good parents)

53 year old manโ€™s idea of what a quirky teenager does

that’s some ficked up shit man

What were they saying for him to think that they were rap battling??

What a believable story.

Is anyone actually falling for all these obv fake posts. Are you all dumb kids? It’s literally a teen lying to look funny.

There are people who are on the spectrum but this motherfucker rides it like the Silver Surfer.

Funny as hell

bro misunderstood the assignment

Now look, you got the kid beat boxing!

Nah, if I was arguing with my wife and my kid started to beat box over it, I’d be laughing too hard to continue. He’d be saving us a bunch of stress, I’d probably take him for ice cream.

Bill Burr recently told a story where he and his brother would record their parents fights and then put them over Led Zeppelin soundtracks. They would play them back and laugh their asses off. Sounds legit.

another story that totally happened from the world’s most honest people: teenagers

I was once walking by someone’s house while they were fighting in the garage with the door open. The guy got right in his wife/girlfriends face and yelled “I CAN SEE INTO YOUR EYES, THEY’RE FULL OF LIES!”

I thought it was pretty rad to drop a sick bar like that in the middle of a fight.

Did it lighten the mood๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’€

They were definitely fighting about him

We cry together irl


I don’t get it nor do I even want to

Situation defused

This should end any argument

Ha ha ha

We cry together by Kendrick Lamar


this could save a marriage

Fuckin hilarious lol

Did you ATLEAST record it?

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