Beavers make dams so that the entrance of their lodge is submerged underwater, providing protection from predators such as wolves, coyotes and mountain lions.

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[Their lodges are really well-built, and even have built in refrigerated pantries in during the winter]( 😂

I love beavers

They are so smart!

I had earlier today seen a reddit of a beaver dam and the thought crossed my mind, well why do they build dams? Well low and behold, here’s my answer. It’s awesome, a happy little coincidence. It’s the little things in life that bring a smile to my face.

Beavers, the best part of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe

What’s even cooler is that the areas beavers flood / saturate with water have a higher resistance to being set alight, meaning they can be refuges for wildlife during a wildfire.

Emily Fairfax, the researcher who studied this, made a cool stop frame animation:

Also facilitates easier/quicker travel by flooding surrounding land, thus increasing their safe range. Beavers are more vulnerable and slower out of the water.

I’d have to be a pretty hungry dog to dive face first into a beaver hole.

Big beaver has been astroturfing all day!

So we just need to arm coyotes with diving masks… Seems like an easily solvable problem to me.

Etho builds a beaver dam on hermitcraft, and already I have seen 3 posts about beaver dams. My headcannon is, everyone loves Ethoslab.

It don’t protect’em from no tropical water bears though. Those things would swim up your pee hole if they caught you lookin’ away

How do they get oxygen?


All this time I thought it was just because they instinctively thought “abso-fucking-lutely not” when they saw running water

All this time.

All this time I just assumed they make damns *because they’re beavers*.

damn I had no idea. I thought they were just being assholes.

Beaver Dams: SO HOT RIGHT NOW!

Surrounded by the bones of their enemies.

They also do it for food and make it safer for them, when the trees are closer to the water they can escape from predators easier


Everyone surely knows this already?

The entrance to the alien liar in the ocean uses the same technique.

Dam, that’s interesting

And scrappy cider-brewers turned fur trappers

Its over Wolvakin! I have the high ground!


Beavers are being reintroduced back into England, apparently they are awfully good at promoting biodiversity too!

“Beavers make dams so that the entrance of their lodge is submerged underwater, providing protection from predators such as wolves, coyotes and dickheads named Larry.” -Mitch Hedberg

I too watched this Etho episode.


I love how the reason is super logical, whereas when I was a kid they aired ridiculous ideas like “It seems like beavers make dams because they just simply *hate* the sound of running water! 🤔” and nobody seemed to bat an eye.

Dammit, Bóbr !

Think of the beaver raves 

Learn more beaver facts in the enlightening documentary, Zombeavers.

Kurwa bober

Why doesn’t the wolves just enter from the roof like a SWAT team?

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