Because God said so

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A bad person on a leash

Christofascists fall into this trap again and again. And, judging by the social media screeshots I see so often, they never ever comprehend the answer.
It says so much about _them_, not atheists.

Do they think atheists are “proudly immoral”?

No, morals are internal. If they have to be external (god looming) it means you (internal) don’t have any. Even (normal, sane) Christians know that.

Objective morality can’t come from religion because no religion is objectively true

I never got this. I heartily doubt the vast majority of so called Christians actually follow biblical moral rules to a T. Jesus when asked verbatim said the two most important commandments are Love the Lord thy God as thou loves thyself and Love thy Neighbor as thou loves thyself. I could name plenty of people who fail at one of these if not both

Also the moral integrity of the Bible is so often looked straight over by the very people preaching that moral integrity.

And even that doesn’t work

I just ask my dog.

Being a good person because you’re kind and empathetic > being good out of fear. Simple.

If you need a cosmic threat to be kind, you might wanna rethink your definition of “good person” đź’€

We don’t need a handbook to understand morality. Of course, that handbook documents genocide, infanticide, rape, the torture of innocent people… this is a guide to morality?

Oh, and no eating pork.

The same logic can be applied for the justice system then, if the cops and courts are the only things stopping you from robbing a bank, you’re not a good person

Basically potential serial killer mindset. I don’t skin people alive because my religion says no but I really really want to and would if not for that. Is that not how everyone feels and thinks? Often the same people that have non straight sexual urges but repress them because religion but if not for that they’d go hogwild.

Pretending to be something under threat of eternal damnation is not the same as actually being that thing. You would think that a all knowing God would maybe care a bit about that fact that you basically lied your way through life. That you tried to deceive them ultimately thinking that you could pull a fast one and if not that same God can’t be so great if such a low level deception were to work against them.

I wish being an atheist meant I had no morals. Life would be so much easier if I didn’t have this pesky conscience holding me back from doing whatever I want.


I find WWSRD (What would Steve Rogers Do) to be generally applicable.

At least more than the usual WWJD

*don’t think it was official merch, but I remember seeing bracelets with this around Civil War

My school had an ethics class as an alternative to religious studies.

i read the first tweet as “atheists” and was very confused

Always confusing obedience and morality.

This is one of the most tired arguments I keep seeing people of faith making. “If you don’t believe in a god, what stops you from doing horrendous things to a baby”. Like, the fact you don’t see anything wrong at all with your argument concerns me greatly.

Have these psycho MFers never heard of “treat people the way you would like to be treated”??


Love how this captures the truth! Honestly, more people need to realize we’re all in this together and stop dividing over things that don’t matter. Unity > division always!

We decide on the facts using experience.

We don’t need living instructions.

this post is more than 2 and a half years old.




I’ll never understand people like this

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And if your god is going to sentence you to a life in eternal fire for being a sinner when he “made you in his own image” does he REALLY love you?


What an idiot

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