Because he’s a narcissist

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Funny that he has unleashed Musk to supposedly slash wasteful spending, but he is OK with spending a ton in security so he can watch half of a football game.

Could DOGE eliminate him? Think of the savings!

BuT hE iSn’T tAkInG a SaLaRy aS pReSiDeNt

He is too dimwitted to comprehend the waste of taxpayers money spent on his trips and ss protection.

Well that’s the trick you see, he doesn’t care about the cost, he wanted to go so he’s going. 

He’s a selfish person who only wanted this power so he COULD abuse it, because his philosophy of life is that people with power deserve to do whatever they want with it, the same philosophy that every bully has had since time immemorial.

Remember, you’re dealing with a guy who managed to bankrupt about 4 casinos, That’s extremely difficult to do, Now he’s trying it with an entire country.

only for the shit stain to leave early. But that was honestly probably the best thing he could have done, since I am sure traffic getting out was easier without the Cheeto Mussolini there

Coming this weekend….. The daytona 500

Kinda weird how we have to have a gaggle of little tech dorks dismantling our government to stop wasteful spending, yet we can afford $20 million for the president to watch half of a football game in person.

and leave early to go golfing

If MAGA supporters could do math, they’d be very upset.

Why is he even saluting?!

General George Washington never attended a Super Bowl and you sir are no General George Washington!

r/conservative was absolutely giddy about his appearance. Their fanaticism is embarrassing, but god damn I’ll never understand their schoolgirl admiration of a spoiled selfish elitist like Trump. Talk about missing the mark.

And that’s just it: we are paying for this criminal to have fun. And all his half-baked cabinet

It was all the reason I needed not to watch the Stupor Bowl. Instead, I went down to the IMAX to see the Led Zeppelin movie. Trust me, it was way better than the game

People that voted for him do not care, they are too busy cheering about musk cutting funding to programs that are needed. Most people didn’t even know these programs existed so they write it off as not needed when I guarantee many of these voters benefit from them without realizing.

I dont understand how you blindly trust a billionaire to look out for the people. You don’t become a billionaire by helping others, you become one by fucking others over.

He wastes hundreds of millions on himself between trips like this, spending the majority of his time golfing, etc.

That’s why he is cutting everything so more money goes to him and his friends

I bet you he does not know the words to the national anthem.

I saw the booing when he deigned to walk on the field.

Because the others aren’t attention whores

Let’s not mention the money the city and state as well, spent on extra security for his fat ass.

#Fuk FELON trump

He’s a tumor on society and humanity. An ugly diseased infested tumor

And every other president was busy working and not vying to be the Bestest Big Boy of the Day®

Was hoping for the “Sum of all Fears” situation.

didn’t even stay for halftime either

Because they’re busy running the country and arguably the world and don’t have time to spend an entire day (basically, including travel, and pre-game security clearances) to watch a football game. I bet Obama had it on silent in his study while he was working.

The ManChild President went to the Super Duoer Bowl to rub his arrigance and Narcissism in the faces of every American.
(Not just those that adore him.)

Dude his last vice president went to a Colts game and got “upset” that the QB took a kneel during the anthem so they left before the game started. They love wasting money to show off.

The Superbowl was free on Tubi streamed by FOX. There’s no excuse for this.

He went because Taylor Swift’s boyfriend was playing so of course he went to make the game political.
Funny how everyone is talking about Swift being booed but nothing about them editing out the crowd booing orange boy.

Don’t understand why we had to pay when my employer has never paid for me to go to a Super Bowl! If he wants to do that shit it should come from his own bank account like everyone else!

For Donny, it’s all about Donny.

Isnt that something DOGE could claim as wasteful spending?

Distract. Deny. Dismantle.

A $20 million failed PR stunt.

Do you know why Sport Champions visit the Whitehouse? It’s to associate the Champions (who are generally liked by the public) with the current president. It is meant to boost the president’s likability with the public.

Why is he saluting during the national anthem? Only people who have served in the military are allowed to do that.

This is absolutely incredible. Even Ford, who played football and could have been on the 1936 championship winning Green Bay Packers, thought it was crazy for a sitting president to go to the super bowl

and he took GOP members of congress with him.

First SB that I did not watch at all – not 1 minute,

He’s the first president who thinks he can get away with it. Do not think for a moment that some of the rest of them would not do this sort of thing. They would but the president is usually held to some account for their actions. Unlike the teflon President.

Why is Trump celebrating people disrespecting the flag?

4 U.S. Code § 8(c):

>The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.

It also means a ton of federal employees can’t watch the game as they have to handle logistics for one dude.

Also because it’s a very effective sports washing tactic.

It was good to see the video of him walking out to being boo’d, and being called a fucking traitor though…

How is this an efficient use of government time and money, Elon?

In the age of narcissism.

How can you not see he is useless and have voted him in again lol

*malignant narcissist

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